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Biomedical Image Classification via Dynamically Early Stopped Artificial Neural Network

Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 41125 Modena, Italy
HiPeRT Srl, 41125 Modena, Italy
Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, University of Parma, 43124 Parma, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Algorithms 2022, 15(10), 386;
Submission received: 28 August 2022 / Revised: 14 October 2022 / Accepted: 17 October 2022 / Published: 20 October 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Algorithms for Biomedical Image Analysis and Processing)


It is well known that biomedical imaging analysis plays a crucial role in the healthcare sector and produces a huge quantity of data. These data can be exploited to study diseases and their evolution in a deeper way or to predict their onsets. In particular, image classification represents one of the main problems in the biomedical imaging context. Due to the data complexity, biomedical image classification can be carried out by trainable mathematical models, such as artificial neural networks. When employing a neural network, one of the main challenges is to determine the optimal duration of the training phase to achieve the best performance. This paper introduces a new adaptive early stop** technique to set the optimal training time based on dynamic selection strategies to fix the learning rate and the mini-batch size of the stochastic gradient method exploited as the optimizer. The numerical experiments, carried out on different artificial neural networks for image classification, show that the developed adaptive early stop** procedure leads to the same literature performance while finalizing the training in fewer epochs. The numerical examples have been performed on the CIFAR100 dataset and on two distinct MedMNIST2D datasets which are the large-scale lightweight benchmark for biomedical image classification.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the healthcare field has experienced a massive growth in the acquisition of digital biomedical images due to a pervasive increase in ordinary and preventive medical exams. In view of this amount of medical data, new methods based on machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) have therefore become necessary. The application of ML and DL techniques to the biomedical imaging field can promote the development of new diagnostics and treatments, making it a challenging area of investigation. In particular, image classification represents one of the main problems in the biomedical imaging context. Its aim is to arrange medical images into different classes to help physicians in disease diagnosis. ML and DL methods are employed to predict the class membership of the unknown data instance, based on the class membership of the training set data, which is known. If the learning procedure performs a good classification, a proper automatic diagnosis of a disease can be achieved, starting only from the medical image.
From a mathematical point of view, given a training set of n instances, a learning approach to the image classification involves the solution of a minimization problem of the form
min x R d F ( x ) 1 n i = 1 n f i ( x )
where F is the so-called loss function and it computes the difference between the actual ground-truth and predicted values, n is the cardinality of the training set and d is the number of features. Each f i : R d R denotes the loss function related to the i-th instance of the training set. Because n can be a very large number, it is prohibitively expensive to compute all the terms of the objective function F ( x ) or its gradient. Moreover, the whole dataset may be too large to be completely stored in memory. Finally, in the online learning setting, where the dataset is not available from the beginning in its completeness but is acquired during the learning process, it is impossible to work with F ( x ) . In all these cases, the minimization problem is faced by exploiting stochastic approximations of the gradient that lead to the use of stochastic gradient (SG) methods [1]. Given at each iteration k a sample S k of size n k < < n randomly and uniformly chosen from N = { 1 , , n } , the SG algorithm to solve problem (1) can be written as
x k + 1 = x k η k g ( x k )
where η k is a positive parameter called the learning rate (LR) and the stochastic direction g ( x k ) is computed as
g ( x k ) : = 1 n k i S k f i ( x k ) .
The sample S k is the mini-batch at the k-th iteration and its cardinality n k is the mini-batch size (MBS). In order to accelerate the convergence rate of the SG method, a momentum term [2] can be added to the iteration (2). In more detail, chosen β [ 0 , 1 ) and setting m 0 = 0 , the momentum version of the SG scheme has the following form:
m k + 1 = β m k + g ( x k ) x k + 1 = x k η k m k + 1
where η k is the positive LR.
In general, to design efficient and accurate ML or DL methodologies, it is needed to properly set the hyperparameters connected to the algorithm chosen for the training phase, particularly the LR and the MBS. We define the hyperparameters of a learning method as those parameters which are not trained during the learning process but are set a priori as the input data. In the literature, there are different philosophies to approach the problem of setting the hyperparameters. One of these is related to the Neural Architecture Search (NAS) area [3], which explores the best configurations related to the optimization hyperparameters before the beginning of the training. However, there also exist techniques that directly address the search during the training phase, including static rules, i.e., rules that do not depend on the training phase, and dynamic rules, which only operate under certain conditions connected to the training phase itself. Regarding the LR and the MBS, the class of dynamic rules is preferable. Indeed, a variable LR strategy allows starting the iterative process with higher LR values than those employed close to the local minimum. As for the MBS, a standard approach is to dynamically increase it along the iterations, without however reaching the whole dataset in order to comply with the architectural constraints and control the possible data redundancy. There also exist techniques for decreasing the LR while the MBS is increasing.
Together with suitable choices of both the LR and the MBS, the training phase can be optimized by means of an early stop** technique. Given a validation set (VS), namely a subset of examples held back from training the model, standard early stop** procedures are based on the so-called patience parameter criterion. In more detail, if, after a number of epochs equal to the value of the patience, the loss function computed on the VS has not been reduced, the training is stopped even if the maximum number of epochs is not reached.
The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we combine the previously described strategies to reduce the training time. Indeed, we suggest a dynamic combined technique to select the LR and the MBS by modifying classical early stop** procedures. In particular, if a decrease in the loss function on the validation set is not achieved after the patience time, the patience value itself can be reduced, the learning rate is decreased and/or the mini-batch size is increased and the training is allowed to continue until the values of the learning rate and the mini-batch are acceptable from a practical point of view. Secondly, we test the SG algorithm with momentum, equipped with a such developed rule for the selection of the LR and MBS hyperparameters, in training an artificial neural network (ANN) for biomedical image classification problems. We remark that the dynamical early stop** procedure we describe in this paper can be adopted for general image classification problems. Moreover, it is worth highlighting that the suggested approach does not belong to the class of NAS hyperparameters procedures. Indeed, unlike the proposed scheme, NAS techniques aim to set good hyperparameters values at the beginning of the training phase and to keep them fixed until convergence. On the other hand, the hyperparameters selection rule developed in this work is adaptive because the hyperparameters connected to the optimizer can be conveniently changed during the training phase. This can have benefits in terms of both the performance and computational and energy savings from a GreenAI (Artificial Intelligence) perspective.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present a brief survey about the state-of-the-art approaches to fix both the LR and the MBS hyperparameters. Section 3 is devoted to describing a novel technique to dynamically adjust the LR and/or the MBS, using the VS. Section 4 reports the results of the numerical experiments on standard and biomedical image classification problems, aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In Section 5, in addition to the conclusions, the current directions of research that we are pursuing to expand and complete the work carried out are illustrated.

2. Related Works

The aim of this section is to recall the standard techniques to select the LR and the MBS in stochastic gradient methods typically employed for ML and DL methodologies.

2.1. Standard LR Selection Rules

Properly setting the LR in stochastic gradient algorithms is an important issue and there exist many attempts in the literature to address it. Indeed, inappropriate values for the LR can lead to two different scenarios: a too small fixed value often implies a very slow learning process, while a too high fixed value can make the method divergent. In general, choosing a fixed LR along the iterative process is not suitable, also because the convergence of standard first-order stochastic schemes is ensured if the LR is properly bounded by the Lipschitz constant of the gradient of the objective function [1]. Unfortunately, this constant is often not known.
As for a variable LR rule, several works in the literature show that, from a practical point of view, modifying the LR during the learning process can bring benefits for both ML and DL applications [4,5]. In order to guarantee convergence, the SG schemes require the LR to be chosen as a value of a diminishing sequence, i.e.,  α k = O ( 1 k ) . However, this choice would practically lead to a too rapid reduction in the LR by giving rise to the interruption of the learning process in a few iterates. For this reason, in practice, the so-called LR annealing can be adopted: with this strategy, the LR is decreased along the iterations but with a much slower speed. The basic idea of the LR annealing is to diminish the LR after some iterations from the beginning of the learning process, in an automatic and non-adaptive way. This technique is widely used in the most recent ANN for segmentation and other tasks [6,7,8]. For example, in [7], the authors use the LR annealing technique, with a YOLO architecture, for the detection and the localization of lung nodules from low-dose CT scans. Even in biomedical contexts, where the dataset size is often limited, LR annealing techniques have been shown to be effective. In [9], the authors demonstrate that the suggested LR annealing strategy improves the image classifiers performance, in terms of both the accuracy and training time, on a set of dermatological diagnostic images with an unbalanced nature.

2.2. Standard MBS Selection Rules

In [10], Masters and Luschi point out that modern DL training is typically based on mini-batch SG optimization. While the use of large mini-batches increases the available computational parallelism, small-batch training has been shown to provide a better generalization performance and allows a significantly smaller memory footprint, which might also be exploited to improve machine throughput. For this reason, the authors stress that, for the learning process, it is crucial to choose a proper MBS selection technique that allows the method to achieve a high accuracy while reducing the time spent on the learning phase as much as possible.
In the context of standard ML, several authors suggest a linear growth of the MBS to allow the process of reaching the entire dataset, while others (see, e.g., [11]) propose a hybrid approach. The hybrid approach consists of starting the iterative process with an SG method (by exploiting its property of decreasing the objective function especially in the first iterations) and then moving onto a deterministic scheme (by taking advantage of its stability and avoiding an oscillating behavior around the minimum point). Obviously, these techniques cannot be applied to every setting, but only to offline learning frameworks and/or datasets of limited size.
For the DL approaches, the MBS is often selected as powers of 2 (commonly 32, 64 and 128) with the aim of facilitating the use of internal memories of accelerators, such as a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). However, besides static MBS selection strategies, simply driven by heuristics or hardware constraints, there exist other adaptive ones driven by the learning process itself [12,13]. For example, in [12], the authors design a practical SG method capable of learning the optimal batch size adaptively throughout its iterations for strongly convex and smooth functions. On the other hand, in [13], the authors propose a method to dynamically use the VS to set the MBS. The impact of a suitable MBS selection procedure on the effectiveness of DL schemes has been also analyzed in the field of medical applications. In [14], the authors studied the effect of the MBS on the performance of CNNs employed to classify histopathology images. They empirically found that when the LR values are high, a large MBS performs better than with a small LR. Moreover, lowering the learning rate and decreasing the batch size allow the network to train better, especially in the case of fine-tuning. About the high correlation between the LR and the MBS selection rules, there exist different works [15,16] in the literature. For this reason, effective strategies to set these hyperparameters should consider their mutual interaction.
The techniques described above could assist other types of application, such as those reported in [17,18,19], in addition to those already mentioned.

3. A New Dynamic Early Stop** Technique

The previous section has shown that the LR and the MBS need to be properly selected in order to have robust and efficient learning methodologies and that many efforts have been made in the literature in this regard. In this section, we propose a novel adaptive strategy to fix both these hyperparameters by exploiting and modifying the standard early stop** procedure. The resulting approach can be seen as a new dynamic early stop** strategy able to combine the advantages of both the early stop** and the dynamic strategies to define the LR and the MBS.
In all the methodologies involving learning from examples, it is important to avoid the phenomenon of overfitting. To this end, it is effective to adopt the early stop** technique [20] which interrupts the learning process by allowing to possibly use a number of epochs lower than the prefixed maximum, also from a GreenAI perspective [21]. The early stop** technique is based on the idea of periodically evaluating, during the minimization process, the error that the network commits on the auxiliary VS by evaluating the performance obtained on the VS itself. In general, in the first iterations, the error on the VS decreases with the objective function, while it can increase if the error which occurs on the training set (TS) (the training set is a set of examples used to fit the parameters of the model, e.g., the weights of an ANN) becomes “sufficiently small”. In particular, the training process ends when the error on the VS starts to increase, because this might correspond to the point in which the network begins to overfit the information provided by the TS and loses its ability to generalize to data other than those of the TS. In order to practically implement the early stop** procedure, it is typical to define a patience parameter, i.e., the number of epochs to wait before early stop** the training process if no progress on the VS is achieved. Fixing the value of the patience is not obvious: it really depends on the dataset and the network. The suggested early stop** strategy aims to also overcome this difficulty.

3.1. The Proposal

In this section, we detail the new early stop** technique we are proposing. The main steps of this technique can be summarized as follows.
  • We borrow the basic idea of the standard early stop** in order to avoid overfitting the information related to the TS.
  • We introduce a patience parameter which can be adaptively modified along the training process.
  • We dynamically adjust both the LR and the MBS hyperparameters along the iterations, according to the progress on the VS.
The complete scheme is described in Algorithm 1. The main features are reported below.

3.1.1. Lines 4–9—Update of the Iterates for One Epoch

The iterates are updated by means of a stochastic gradient algorithm (Algorithm 1 line 8) for an entire epoch. In particular, a stochastic estimate of the gradient of the objective function is computed by means of the current mini-batch 𝒮 i of cardinality n k chosen randomly and uniformly from N (lines 6–7). Examples of the stochastic gradient estimations are provided in (2) and (3).

3.1.2. Line 10—Evaluation of the Model

The model is evaluated on the VS, namely the accuracy is computed on the VS and saved in the variable A c c V a l k .

3.1.3. Lines 11–15—Check for Accuracy Improvement

The current accuracy computed on the VS is compared to the one computed at the previous epoch and saved in the variable B e s t A c c .

3.1.4. Lines 17–29—Dynamic Early Stop**

If the accuracy on the VS is not improved, a counter is increased (line 17). Subsequently (line 18), the value of the counter is compared to the prefixed value p of the patience. In standard early stop** strategies, if the counter is greater than the value of p, then the training phase is stopped. On the contrary, in the suggested dynamic early stop** technique, the training phase is not immediately stopped, but it is allowed to continue with different hyperparameters. In particular, the LR is decreased by a factor c 1 ( 0 , 1 ) (line 20) and/or the MBS is increased by a proper rule (line 22) depending on c 2 [ 1 , M ] and d i m { 0 , , M } , where M is a constant related to hardware or memory limitations, for example, it can be the maximum number of samples which can be stored in the GPU. Finally (line 23), the value of the patience is divided by a factor γ > 1 . Thanks to a smaller LR and/or a mini-batch of a larger size, the optimizer employed in the training phase should stabilize and provide new iterates closer to the minimum point. However, if the LR becomes too small and the MBS reaches the hardware limitations, then the ending of the training process is forced. In particular, if the patience is reduced more than a prefixed value p ¯ , then the training is stopped (lines 27–29).
To summarize, different from the standard early stop**, the proposed one avoids a sharp ending of the training process and the difficult tuning of a fixed value of the patience. Moreover, it allows to really exploit the nature of the dynamic selection rules for the LR and MBS, thus ensuring a more efficient learning phase. Finally, we remark that the possibility to refine the values for the LR and the MBS along the iterative process allows to make their initial setting less crucial than in the static approaches where the hyperparameters are kept fixed during the training.
Algorithm 1: A stochastic gradient method with dynamical early stop**
Algorithms 15 00386 i001

4. Numerical Experiments

In this section, we investigate the effectiveness of the developed early stop** procedure combined with the SG method with momentum on image classification problems. More in detail, we consider Algorithm 1 where the stochastic direction (line 7) and the update of the iterates (line 8) are performed by means of the scheme defined in (3) with β = 0.9 . The loss function in (1) is the cross entropy; hence, f i ( x ) = t i log ( s i ( x ) ) where s i ( x ) is the probability of the Softmax function of the class i and t i is the true label. We consider both a standard database for image classification tasks as the CIFAR-100 [22] and two different biomedical databases of 2D images obtained by computed tomography tools [23,24,25,26,27].

4.1. Image Classification on CIFAR-100 Dataset

We present the results for three different CNNs for 100-classes classification on the CIFAR-100 dataset: ResNet18 [28], VGG16 [29] and MobileNet [30]. The numerical experiments have been performed on an Intel i9-9900KF coupled with an NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti. The code has been developed starting from an established framework to train several CNNs on the CIFAR-100 dataset (, accessed on 1 October 2022) and has been made public for the sake of reproducibility (, accessed on 1 October 2022). In the considered framework, the CIFAR-100 dataset was divided into training and test sets. We used 10% of the training set to create the validation set. The optimizer employed for the reference training of the CNNs is the SG with momentum; it uses a starting LR of 0.1 and schedules its annealing at epochs [60, 120, 160], multiplying it by 0.2 in those so-called milestones.
The performance of the optimization method employed for the CNNs reference training has been compared with the performance of two different versions of Algorithm 1 (with an SG with momentum at lines 7–8). In particular, we consider the possibility of either reducing the LR while the MBS is such that n k + 1 = n 0 or decreasing the LR and increasing the MBS. Both versions of Algorithm 1 have been implemented by setting m a x e p o c h s = 200 , η 0 = 0.1 , n 0 = 2 , c 1 = 0.2 , n k + 1 = max { m a x m e m o r y = 1000 , c 2 n k } , where m a x m e m o r y N is the maximum number of samples that can be stored in the GPU, and c 2 = 2 . Moreover, in order to understand how the patience values affect the performance, we consider three different values for p—8, 15 and 20—and two different values for γ —2 and 4. Finally, p ¯ has been fixed either equal to 6 if both the LR is reduced and the MBS is increased or equal to 3 if only the LR is decreased but the MBS is not changed along the iterations. In the results, the name of the different considered algorithms for the training reports:
  • LR if only the LR is changed along the iterative process or LRBS if both the hyperparameters are variable;
  • p followed by its value;
  • γ followed by its value.
For example, LRBS_p20_ γ 2 points out that the selection rules for the LR and the MBS are both dynamic and the values for p and γ are 20 and 2, respectively.
All the tests have been performed five times, and the average accuracy on the test set and the number of epochs are reported, knowing that the standard deviation on the accuracy is at most equal to 0.0145. As usual, the best result obtained with the check on the VS is verified on the test set.
Figure 1 shows the results of all the experiments carried out on the MobileNet CNN. In this case, the reference training achieves an accuracy of 65.39% in 200 epochs. From the chart, it can be seen that all the trainings that follow the methodology proposed in this paper achieve similar results in terms of accuracy while needing less than half the epochs of the original one. Moreover, some configurations outperform the original, such as, e.g., the LRBS version with patience equal to 15 or 20. Table 1 reports all the results for the three CNNs for the LRBS configurations. From the last two columns of Table 1, it is possible to conclude that the accuracy results obtained by the proposed method are in line with those of the original version, sometimes slightly lower and sometimes higher. What is truly remarkable is the number of epochs required to obtain such a performance, which is at least halved compared to the original method.

4.2. Biomedical Image Classification

The second part of the numerical experiments involved two types of bidimensional biomedical image datasets for multi-class classification: MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST (, accessed on 1 October 2022) and MedMNIST OCTMNIST (, accessed on 1 October 2022) [26,27]. The former is composed of 25,221 abdominal CT images (the first panel of Figure 2) with labels from 0 to 10, each one corresponding to an organ or a bone of the abdomen. Each image is 28 × 28 pixels and the original dataset is split up into training, validation and test sets whose dimensions correspond to 70%, 9% and 21% of the total number of samples, respectively. The second one is made up of 109309 optical coherence tomography (OCT) images for retinal diseases (the second panel of Figure 2) and there are four labels of which three correspond to different diseases and one is related to normal health conditions. Each image is 28 × 28 pixels and the original dataset is divided similarly to the previous case.
These two applications have been processed on MSI Sword 15 A11UC-630XIT with a GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop, CPU i7-11800H, 8 GB of RAM, Windows 11 and Python 3.10.2. We opportunely modified the official code (, accessed on 1 October 2022) which implements various artificial neural networks, from the data splitting point of view. In particular, we divided the dataset into the following disjointed subsets: the 70% of the total examples gives the TS, the 9% is employed for the VS and the remaining 21% of the data forms the test set. Our code is publicly available (, accessed on 1 October 2022) for the sake of reproducibility.
For all the experiments, we compared the performance of the ResNet18 model trained by means of:
  • The SG optimizer (3) with β = 0.9 (hereafter denoted by Original);
  • The same optimizer but equipped with a classical early stop** technique (hereafter denoted by ES);
  • Algorithm 1 (hereafter denoted by LRBS).
The hyperparameters setting for all the three optimization techniques are discussed in the following section.

4.2.1. Hyperparameters Setting

Because the performance of a stochastic gradient method is strictly related to the configuration of its hyperparameters, this section aims to fix the best hyperparameters setting for the algorithms employed to train the ResNet18. This preliminary study is carried out on the MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset and the best found hyperparameters configurations will be used for all the other experiments.

Setting p for the ES Method

First of all, we compare the performance of the ES method for different values of the patience p. In particular, given η 0 = 10 3 and n 0 = 128 , we report in Table 2 the values of the accuracy reached by ES with p equal to 5, 20 and 30. In the same table, the results corresponding to the Original optimizer are also reported (for the same setting of η 0 and n 0 ).
The value of p, which ensures the best accuracy on the test set, is 20. In the following, p is always set to this value for the ES method.

Setting η 0 and n 0 for the Original and the ES Methods

In order to properly tune the LR and the MBS for both the Original and the ES schemes, we performed several experiments with different settings, illustrated in Table 3.
From the results of Table 3, the best hyperparameters setting for both the Original and the ES approaches is η 0 = 10 2 and n 0 = 64 . We remark that to find this setting was very demanding in terms of computational costs.

Robustness of the LRBS Method against Hyperparameters

The proposed method aims to get rid of the dependence on its intrinsic hyperparameters while maintaining a high performance. In this section, we investigate the response of the LRBS method to the variation in the values of the hyperparameters used in Algorithm 1. In particular, we consider different values for: c 1 , c 2 , d i m and γ . It is worth highlighting that we do not need to also properly tune the values for the patience, the LR and the MBS as performed for the Original and the ES schemes. Indeed, the LRBS algorithm automatically adjusts the values of these hyperparameters along the epochs. For this reason, we just consider p = 20 , η 0 = 10 2 and n 0 = 64 : we select a quite large value for both the patience and the initial LR and a quite small value for the initial MBS by allowing the procedure to adapt them (by increasing the former ones and decreasing the latter one). To confirm this thesis, in the next section (see Table 7), we show that the LRBS algorithm is much less sensitive to the selection of the hyperparameters than the other two methods in training the ResNet18 for the MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset. In Table 4, we present the values of the accuracy for different configurations. We run each experiment five times with different seeds and we report the means and standard deviations in the table.
Table 4 allows to conclude that the LRBS method is very stable with respect to the reasonable choices of the hyperparameters involved; particularly, both the mean and variance over the 5 trials are very good in all cases.

A Comparison with the AdaM Optimizer

Finally, for the sake of completeness, we show that to employ the AdaM optimizer [31], instead of the SG one with momentum, leads to analogous results. Table 5 reports the values of the accuracy reached by the considered approaches equipped by AdaM with η 0 = 10 3 and n 0 = d i m = 64 . The value of p is 20 for both the ES and LRBS. The LRBS method improves the accuracy obtained with the Original ResNet18 by one percentage point, with the lowest number of epochs.

4.2.2. Numerical Results

In this section, we perform three different experiments. We firstly summarize the hyperparameters setting for the three compared approaches in view of the considerations made in the previous section. For the Original, ES and LRBS, we fixed η 0 = 10 2 and n 0 = 64 . The value of p is 20 for both the ES and LRBS. Moreover, the other hyperparameters defining the LRBS are set as c 1 = 0.5 , c 2 = 1 , d i m = 64 , γ = 2 , p = 20 and p ¯ = 6 . In the following paragraphs, we present the results obtained by fixing the maximum number of epochs, m a x e p o c h s , to both 50 and 100.

Results for OrganSMNIST in a Maximum Number of 50 Epochs

In Table 6, we show the numerical results for the abdominal CT dataset: each column reports the mean accuracy on the test set, the standard deviation and the mean number of epochs obtained in five runs for the OrganSMNIST. The proposed method outperforms both the ResNet18 model and the early stopped one in terms of accuracy with the same number of epochs needed by the classical early stop** implementation.
We also observed that if we left fixed the value for the MBS but we increase the initial learning rate by either one or two orders of magnitude, the LRBS method outperforms both the standard model and the early stopped version (see Table 7) by confirming the less dependence on the hyperparameters setting of the LRBS approach.

Results for OCTMNIST Dataset in a Maximum Number of 50 Epochs

The results related to the MedMNIST2D OCTMNIST dataset are illustrated in the same vein, but the means are calculated on the best five values of each configuration chosen from 20 runs; the numerical outcomes are presented in Table 8. It can be seen that the proposed method slightly improves the accuracy, but it reaches this value in half of the time with respect to the standard early stop** procedure.

Results for OCTMNIST in a Maximum Number of 100 Epochs

To highlight the effectiveness of Algorithm 1, another experiment has been conducted. We trained the same models presented in the previous section for a maximum number of 100 epochs by considering the dataset OCTMNIST (see Table 9).
As in the previous experiments, comparable values for the accuracy can be obtained by all the considered strategies; however, the number of epochs related to the early stopped models is less than the 20% of the total number of epochs. However, we remark that the LRBS does not suffer from the computational expensive phase of the hyperparameters tuning.

5. Conclusions and Future Works

In this paper, we propose a dynamic early stop** technique for the training of a neural network, based on variable selection strategies to fix both the learning rate and the mini-batch size in SG methods. The suggested scheme is able to avoid the overfitting phenomena and reduce the training phase. The numerical experiments carried out on biomedical image classification problems show the benefits of employing the proposed dynamic early stop** procedure: performances comparable to those of the reference network can be achieved in a significantly lower number of epochs. Moreover, the suggested approach avoids the computational expensive setting of the best hyperparameters values needed by standard training techniques.

Author Contributions

All authors contributed equally to the study conception and design. Data curation, M.V.; software, A.C.; supervision, M.P.; validation, F.P.; writing—original draft, G.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement (accessed on 1 October 2022), (accessed on 1 October 2022).


This work was also supported by the Gruppo Nazionale per il Calcolo Scientifico (GNCS-INdAM). The publication was created with the co-financing of the European Union-FSE-REACT-EU, PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020 DM1062/2021. The publication is co-financed by the project Unimore FAR Mission Oriented “Artificial Intelligence-based Mathematical Models and Methods for low dose CT imaging”.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
AIArtificial Intelligence
MLMachine Learning
DLDeep Learning
SGStochastic Gradient
MBSMini-Batch Size
NASNeural Architecture Search
LRLearning Rate
VSValidation Set
ANNArtificial Neural Network
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
FPGAField-Programmable Gate Array
CNNConvolutional Neural Network
TSTraining Set


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Figure 1. Performance of the various training for MobileNet on CIFAR-100. The blue bars represent the accuracy on the test set (left axis), the yellow squares report the number of epochs needed (right axis) and the red dotted line is the accuracy provided by the reference training.
Figure 1. Performance of the various training for MobileNet on CIFAR-100. The blue bars represent the accuracy on the test set (left axis), the yellow squares report the number of epochs needed (right axis) and the red dotted line is the accuracy provided by the reference training.
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Figure 2. Some examples from MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST (left half) and OCTMNIST (right half).
Figure 2. Some examples from MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST (left half) and OCTMNIST (right half).
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Table 1. Results obtained on the three CNN models on the CIFAR-100 dataset.
Table 1. Results obtained on the three CNN models on the CIFAR-100 dataset.
CNN ModelConfigurationpp DecayTest Accuracy (%)# Epochs
Table 2. Results on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in a maximum of 50 epochs. σ is the standard deviation and each result is the mean of five trials.
Table 2. Results on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in a maximum of 50 epochs. σ is the standard deviation and each result is the mean of five trials.
ConfigurationTest Accuracy (%) σ (%)# Epochs
ES ( p = 5 )
ES ( p = 20 )88.510.5321
ES ( p = 30 )87.840.5127.6
Table 3. Hyperparameters analysis on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in a maximum of 50 epochs. σ is the standard deviation and each result is the mean of five trials.
Table 3. Hyperparameters analysis on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in a maximum of 50 epochs. σ is the standard deviation and each result is the mean of five trials.
HyperparametersConfigurationTest Accuracy (%) σ (%)# Epochs
η 0 = 10 2 , n 0 = d i m = 64 Original92.800.2250
η 0 = 10 2 , n 0 = d i m = 128 Original92.490.3150
η 0 = 10 2 , n 0 = d i m = 256 Original91.540.5350
η 0 = 10 3 , n 0 = d i m = 64 Original91.050.8250
η 0 = 10 3 , n 0 = d i m = 128 Original88.610.6050
η 0 = 10 3 , n 0 = d i m = 256 Original86.890.4150
η 0 = 10 4 , n 0 = d i m = 64 Original86.060.4850
η 0 = 10 4 , n 0 = d i m = 128 Original84.840.8950
η 0 = 10 4 , n 0 = d i m = 256 Original83.160.5250
Table 4. Mean and std. of the values of the accuracy obtained on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset by the LRBS approach in a maximum of 50 epochs and different values of the hyperparameters. The initial mini-batch size is n 0 = 64 and the initial learning rate is η 0 = 10 2 .
Table 4. Mean and std. of the values of the accuracy obtained on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset by the LRBS approach in a maximum of 50 epochs and different values of the hyperparameters. The initial mini-batch size is n 0 = 64 and the initial learning rate is η 0 = 10 2 .
γ = 2 γ = 4
c 1 = 1 / 4 c 1 = 1 / 2 c 1 = 1 / 4 c 1 = 1 / 2
c 2 = 2 , d i m = 0 92.46 % ± 0.43 92.88 % ± 0.3 92.46 % ± 0.34 93.33 % ± 0.24
c 2 = 1 , d i m = 64 93.11 % ± 0.35 93.18 % ± 0.39 92.78 % ± 0.37 92.93 % ± 0.37
Table 5. Results on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in a maximum number of 50 epochs. The AdaM optimizer is employed with η 0 = 10 3 and n 0 = d i m = 64 .
Table 5. Results on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in a maximum number of 50 epochs. The AdaM optimizer is employed with η 0 = 10 3 and n 0 = d i m = 64 .
ConfigurationTest Accuracy (%) σ (%)# Epochs
Early Stop**92.520.5719
Table 6. Results on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in maximum 50 epochs.
Table 6. Results on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in maximum 50 epochs.
ConfigurationTest Accuracy (%) σ (%)# Epochs
Table 7. Results on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in a maximum of 50 epochs.
Table 7. Results on MedMNIST2D OrganSMNIST dataset in a maximum of 50 epochs.
Learning RateConfigurationTest Accuracy (%) σ (%)# Epochs
η 0 = 10 1 Original93.020.2050
η 0 = 1 Original89.570.7350
Table 8. Results on MedMNIST2D OCTMNIST dataset in maximum 50 epochs.
Table 8. Results on MedMNIST2D OCTMNIST dataset in maximum 50 epochs.
ConfigurationTest Accuracy (%) σ (%)# Epochs
Table 9. Results on MedMNIST2D OCTMNIST dataset in maximum 100 epochs.
Table 9. Results on MedMNIST2D OCTMNIST dataset in maximum 100 epochs.
ConfigurationTest Accuracy (%) σ (%)# Epochs
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MDPI and ACS Style

Franchini, G.; Verucchi, M.; Catozzi, A.; Porta, F.; Prato, M. Biomedical Image Classification via Dynamically Early Stopped Artificial Neural Network. Algorithms 2022, 15, 386.

AMA Style

Franchini G, Verucchi M, Catozzi A, Porta F, Prato M. Biomedical Image Classification via Dynamically Early Stopped Artificial Neural Network. Algorithms. 2022; 15(10):386.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Franchini, Giorgia, Micaela Verucchi, Ambra Catozzi, Federica Porta, and Marco Prato. 2022. "Biomedical Image Classification via Dynamically Early Stopped Artificial Neural Network" Algorithms 15, no. 10: 386.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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