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Wildfire CO2 Emissions in the Conterminous United States from 2015 to 2018 as Estimated by the WRF-Chem Assimilation System from OCO-2 XCO2 Retrievals

Shanghai Carbon Data Research Center, Key Laboratory of Low-Carbon Conversion Science & Engineering, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201210, China
Sungrow Power Shanghai Company Limited, Shanghai 201107, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Atmosphere 2024, 15(2), 186;
Submission received: 30 November 2023 / Revised: 22 January 2024 / Accepted: 29 January 2024 / Published: 31 January 2024


Wildfires are becoming more frequent due to the global climate change. Large amounts of greenhouse gases emitted by wildfires can lead to increases in extreme climate events. Accurately estimating the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from wildfires is important for mitigation of climate change. In this paper, we develop a novel method to estimate wildfire CO2 emissions from the relationship between local CO2 emissions and XCO2 anomalies. Our method uses the WRF-Chem assimilation system from OCO-2 XCO2 retrievals which coupled with Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART). To validate our results, we conducted three experiments evaluating the wildfire CO2 emissions over the conterminous United States. The four-month average wildfire emissions from July to October in 2015∼2018 were estimated at 4.408 Tg C, 1.784 Tg C, 1.514 Tg C and 2.873 Tg C, respectively. Compared to the average of established inventories CT2019B, FINNv1.5 and GFASv1.2 fire emissions, our estimates fall within one standard deviation, except for 2017 due to lacking of OCO-2 XCO2 retrievals. These results suggest that the regional carbon assimilation system, such as WRF-Chem/DART, using OCO-2 XCO2 retrievals has a great potential for accurately tracking regional wildfire emissions.

1. Introduction

Wildfires occurring either naturally or ignited by humans are an important component of the global carbon cycle. It emits a variety of greenhouse, reactive gases and aerosols to the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), methane (CH4), volatile and semivolatile organic compounds (VOC and SVOC), particulate matter (PM), ammonia (NH3), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and so on. This not only cause the immediate release of carbon stored in vegetation into the atmosphere, but also induce a long-term shift in the balance between the carbon sequestration by plants and carbon liberation through decomposition of dead biomass. This will affect the atmospheric composition and thermal balance in both the global and regional scales [1,2,3,4,5,6]. In recent decades, varying degrees of wildfires happened now and then in Australia, California, Siberia and Indonesia. These wildfires had a significant impact on the ecological environment, human health, and economic life in these regions [7,8,9,10]. Wang et al. [11] use a combination of physical, epidemiological and economic models to estimate the economic impacts of California wildfires in 2018. The estimation result shows that the wildfire damages in 2018 totaled $148.5 (126.1–192.9) billion (roughly 1.5% of California’s annual gross domestic product).
Wildfires affect climate through direct carbon dioxide CO2 emissions and multiple postfire carbon source and sink pathways. Globally, since 2000, CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and land-use change averaged 9 billion metric tons of carbon (Gt C) per year, whereas wildfire CO2 emissions were approximately 2 Gt C per year [12]. Over the past few decades, the increasing frequency of wildfires is a concerning trend that is linked to the global warming [13]. In the conterminous United States, the increase in burned area from wildfires has roughly quadrupled. This trend is concerning because wildfires can contribute to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn leads to further global warming. Many studies have analyzed various aspects of the atmospheric impacts of wildfires, ranging from the more general such as air quality issue and emissions assessment, to more specific or local including particulate matter emissions, transport, radiative effects and so on [14]. Miranda et al. [15] estimated CO2 emissions due to wildfires and found that in years when the burnt area exceeds 100,000 ha, this contribution could reach 7% of the total Portuguese CO2 emissions. So, it is important to study the variation of wildfire CO2 emissions on both global and regional scales which will improve our understanding of the damage from wildfires. The analysis of wildfires CO2 emissions can provide a valuable foundation for decision-makers to formulate relevant policies.
The variety of satellites and observation data provide conveniences for the estimation of the wildfire CO2 emissions scale and the real-time monitoring of fire points [16,17,18,19]. Different research groups produced the wildfire CO2 emissions dataset such as Global Fire Emission Database (GFED) [20,21], Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN) [22], Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) [23] by using the burning area (BA) and fire radiative power (FRP). Where the FRP observed by satellite data such as Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Konovalov et al. [24] propose a method to estimate the wildfires CO2 emissions in Siberia. This method use Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) carbon monoxide (CO) retrievals and MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) combined with outputs from the CHIMERE mesoscale chemistry-transport model. The study found the “top-down” estimates for the total annual biomass burning CO2 emissions in the period from 2007 to 2011 in Siberia are by factors of 2.5 and 1.8 larger than the respective bottom-up estimates, such as GFED3.1 and GFASv1.0 global emission inventories. Heymann et al. [25] estimate the Indonesian fire CO2 emissions by using the column-averaged dry air mole fraction of CO2 ( XCO 2 ) which derived from measurements of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite mission. The estimated wildfire CO2 emissions is 748 ± 209 Mt CO2, which is about 30% lower than GFEDv4s and GFASv1.2. Guo et al. [26,27] successively evaluated the CO2 emissions from the 2010 fires in western Russia by using Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) data, from the 2015 fires in Siberia by using OCO-2 data. Wang et al. [28] studies the 2019–2020 Australian mega-bushfires based on OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals. Find the smoke from wildfires can greatly obscure satellite observations, making the available XCO 2 mainly locate over outer fringes of plumes downwind of the major mega-bushfires in eastern Australia in three orbit observations during November-December 2019 with their enhancements of approximately 1.5 ppm. By using an atmospheric transport model, the fire-induced CO2 enhancement is further confirmed. The simulation experiment also suggests that the sensitivity of the downwind maximum XCO 2 enhancement is 0.41 ± 0.04 ppm for 1 Tg C d−1 fire emissions.
In this paper, we assess the wildfire CO2 emissions in conterminous United States from July to October in 2015∼2018 with the regional CO2 assimilation inversion system [29]. It can improve the regional CO2 concentrations by assimilating OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with WRF-Chem coupled with extending the DART [30]. We evaluate our results with CT2019B, FINNv1.5 and GFASv1.2 wildfire emissions databases.
The paper is organized as follows, the detail description of the estimate method and materials are presented in the Section 2; Results of the experiments and discussion are given in Section 3, followed by the conclusion in Section 4.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. A Regional CO2 Transport Model

WRF-Chem model version 4.4 was used as regional CO2 transport model. The study area is the conterminous United States, the time range is from July to October in 2015∼2018. The physics and chemistry configurations of WRF-ChemV4.4 is showed in Table 1 [29].
The WRF-Chem model use ds083.2 data (, accessed on 15 November 2023) as the initial meteorological dataset, which is 1 × 1 spatial resolution and 6-hourly temporal resolution from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) FNL Operational Model Global Tropospheric Analyses, continuing from July 1999.
The initial and boundary conditions of CO2 concentrations on WRF-Chem model are interpolated from CT2019B CO2 total mole fractions products which is 3 × 2 spatial resolution and three-hourly temporal resolution. The prior CO2 flux is CT2019B flux which is 1 × 1 spatial resolution and three-hourly temporal resolution, including anthropogenic emissions, fire emissions, biogenic fluxes, and ocean fluxes.

2.2. CO2 Concentration Assimilation System

The study is based on the regional CO2 concentration assimilation system with OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals by extending DART [29,30].
The XCO 2 retrievals from nadir observation mode with good quality according to the “xco2_quality_flag” are selected from the OCO-2 Level2 (L2) Lite data product V10 and its preprocessing method is as below [29]:
O C O 2 X C O 2 ˜ = i = 1 n O C O 2 X C O 2 i σ O C O 2 i 2 / i = 1 n σ O C O 2 i 2
σ O C O 2 ˜ = 1 / N 1 i = 1 n σ O C O 2 i 2
where O C O 2 X C O 2 ˜ and σ O C O 2 ˜ denotes the representative mean XCO 2 value and its uncertainty of a model grid cell respectively.
According to the strategy of Crowell et al. [37], the observation operator H was implemented to link the OCO-2 10 s mean XCO 2 retrievals to the CO2 concentration forecast by WRF-Chem model, which is defined as:
X C O 2 m = X C O 2 a + j h j a j ( C O 2 m C O 2 a )
where X C O 2 a , h j , a j and C O 2 a are the prior XCO 2 value, the pressure weighting function, the column averaging kernel and the prior CO2 concentration profile used by OCO-2 XCO 2 retrieval process respectively. C O 2 m is the optimal CO2 concentration profile which interpolated to the pressure levels of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrieval from WRF-Chem model. X C O 2 m is the column-average CO2 concentration of the WRF-Chem forecasts which converted by the operator H.
The assimilation system used Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter (EAKF) [38] as the data assimilation approach, and advanced by WRF-Chem to next assimilation cycle. Let x k i n i t , x k f , x k a represent the initial states of the prior CO2 concentration distribution, the forecast states advanced by WRF-Chem starting from x k i n i t and the analysis states of the k-th ensemble member of each assimilation cycle, respectively. The x k i n i t was generated in the same way as that of Mizzi et al. [39] by imposing a Gaussian distribution around mean values of CO2 concentrations calculated from CT2019B as the initial background with a 5% standard deviation about the mean. The forecast states x k f were transformed into the observation space by the observation operator H, i.e., y m , k f = H ( x k f ) , where the subscript m means “from model”. The analysis result of each y m , k f was calculated as:
y m , k a = σ O C O 2 ˜ 2 σ O C O 2 ˜ 2 + σ ¯ m f 2 y m , k f y ¯ m f + y ¯ m f σ ¯ m f 2 + O C O 2 ˜ X C O 2 σ O C O 2 ˜ 2 1 σ ¯ m f 2 + 1 σ O C O 2 ˜ 2 1
where O C O 2 ˜ X C O 2 is the representative mean XCO 2 values of a model grid cell with uncertainty σ O C O 2 ˜ calculated from the OCO-2 retrievals by Equations (1) and (2). y ¯ m f is the ensemble forecast mean with ensemble spread σ ¯ m f 2 in the observation space. At the end of each assimilation cycle, the analysis state of the k-th ensemble member was updated as:
x k a = x k f + α σ ( x f , y m f ) σ ¯ m f 2 ( y m , k a y m , k f )
where σ ( x f , y m f ) is the covariance of x f and y m f across the ensemble. α is a covariance localization function to compensate the sampling error due to small ensemble size [40].

2.3. Wildfire Emissions Estimate Model

Hakkarainen et al. [41,42] indicates a positive correlation between XCO 2 anomalies and CO2 emission inventories in regional-scale, which can be defined as:
Δ F = λ Δ X C O 2
where Δ F is CO2 emissions, Δ X C O 2 is the XCO 2 anomalies corresponding to CO2 emissions, λ is the positive correlation coefficient.
We propose a model to estimate the wildfire CO2 emissions in the conterminous United States. First we design two simulation experiments to compute the positive correlation coefficient λ . The difference between two simulation experiments is whether to add the wildfire emissions to the prior flux or not. Where the Δ X C O 2 is the XCO 2 anomalies derived from the two simulation experiments results. Δ F is the wildfire CO2 emissions. Then we design one CO2 assimilation experiment to estimate the wildfire emissions in conterminous United States with the known coefficient λ and XCO 2 anomalies. So, we obtain an equation about CO2 emissions increment and XCO 2 increment in the wildfire area, which defined as follows:
Δ F l u x 1 Δ X C O 2 _ 1 = Δ F l u x 2 Δ X C O 2 _ 2
where Δ F l u x 1 and Δ F l u x 2 represent two CO2 flux increment respectively, the Δ X C O 2 _ 1 and Δ X C O 2 _ 2 are the XCO 2 increment corresponding to the above two CO2 flux increment.

2.4. Wildfire Emissions of CT2019B

By analyzing the CT2019B monthly total CO2 fluxes, anthropogenic CO2 emissions, biological CO2 fluxes, fire CO2 emissions and ocean CO2 fluxes from 2000 to 2018 in conterminous United States, we found the monthly mean anthropogenic CO2 emissions does not change significantly with time, while the monthly mean biogenic CO2 fluxes has obvious seasonal and inter-annual changes.
In the total CO2 fluxes, the proportion of wildfire CO2 emissions is less than 7%. Large-scale wildfires typically occurred in summer, particularly in August and September, and this trend has been increasing year by year from 2000 to 2018. As Figure 1 shows, in the year 2015∼2018, the wildfires occurred in July and August of each year mainly at northwest area of the conterminous United States, and the wildfire in August is larger than July. While in September and October the wildfire also appeared at southeast area of the conterminous United States.

2.5. Experiment Design

In this paper, we design three groups of comparative experiments. Two C O 2 concentration simulation experiments named as “SIM_EXP1” and “SIM_EXP2”, one C O 2 concentration assimilate experiment with the OCO-2 X C O 2 retrievals named as “DA_EXP3”. The configurations of the three experiments are shown in Table 2.
The two simulation experiments SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2 were designed to demonstrate the significant impact of wildfire emissions on XCO 2 . For SIM_EXP1, the initial and boundary conditions of the WRF-Chem were interpolated from CT2019B CO2 total mole fractions products, the prior CO2 flux was interpolated from CT2019B total fluxes which include anthropogenic emissions, fire emissions, biogenic fluxes, and ocean fluxes. For SIM_EXP2, the initial and boundary conditions were the same as SIM_EXP1, but the prior CO2 fluxes only include anthropogenic emissions, biogenic fluxes and ocean fluxes.
For DA_EXP3 experiment, we optimizing the CO2 concentrations further by assimilating with OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals [30,38,43]. The prior fluxes are same as SIM_EXP2. The initial and boundary conditions was interpolated from CT2019B CO2 total mole fractions products, and then adding a Gaussian perturbation which the average value is 0, standard deviation is 2% to each grid point of each ensemble. In this CO2 assimilation experiment, the size of ensemble members is set to 20, adopting Three-dimensional Gaspari-Cohn localization function [44] to compensate for sampling errors caused by the finite ensemble number. Where the influence radius in the horizontal of Three-dimensional Gaspari-Cohn localization function is 0.1 radians. In vertical, the principle of localization function is same as Kang et al. [45], which has a larger impact coefficient in lower troposphere (the sigma level of OCO-2 is 0.947) and descending to both sides. Simultaneously, we discard the observations that is 3 times larger than the prior value by implementing the exception value detection.

2.6. Wildfire Emissions Estimate Method

According to the three experiments results, the Equation (7) can be rewrite as:
Δ F e x p 1 e x p 2 X e x p 1 X e x p 2 = Δ F w i l d f i r e X e x p 3 X e x p 2
where the X e x p 1 , X e x p 2 and X e x p 3 are the mean XCO 2 of SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2 and DA_EXP3. Δ F e x p 1 e x p 2 represents the CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions between SIM_EXP1 and SIM_EXP2, Δ F w i l d f i r e is the estimated wildfire emissions in conterminous United States from our study.
To estimate the wildfire emissions accurately, we add the monthly ratio of wildfire emissions with OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals days as a variable. Let i represent one month, D w i l d f i r e i represent the days of wildfire occurs in one month, D t o t a l i represent total days of one month. Then the monthly ratio ρ i defined as:
ρ i = D w i l d f i r e i D t o t a l i
The estimated wildfire CO2 emissions Δ F w i l d f i r e i can be computed as:
Δ X C O 2 _ 1 i = X e x p 1 i X e x p 2 i
Δ X C O 2 _ 2 i = X e x p 3 i X e x p 2 i
Δ F w i l d f i r e i = Δ F e x p 1 e x p 2 i × Δ X C O 2 _ 2 i Δ X C O 2 _ 1 i × ρ i

2.7. Evaluation Data

Three different types of wildfire CO2 emissions were used to evaluate the wildfire CO2 emissions in conterminous United States which estimated by our method. Including CT2019B fire emissions, CAMS GFASv1.2 wildfire CO2 emissions datasets (!/dataset/cams-global-fire-emissions-gfas?tab=overview, accessed on 15 November 2023) [46,47] with 0.1 × 0.1 spatial resolution and FINNv1.5 fire emissions (, accessed on 15 November 2023) [22].
In our study, we also consider the influence of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals in wildfire areas. Before evaluating the wildfire CO2 emissions based on the Equations (10)–(12), it is necessary to select the days with sufficient OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals in wildfire areas. Table 3 shows the selected days in conterminous United States from July to October of 2015∼2018. As there are no OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals in August 2017, the number of days that can be selected is zero.
The CT2019B CO2 concentrations and NCEP Reanalysis2 Gaussian Grid 10 m wind data were used to analysis the variation of wildfire CO2 emissions in the conterminous United States.

2.8. Evaluation Metrics

Our experiments results were evaluated by Standard Deviation (STDE), defined as:
S T D E = i = 1 n ( f i f ¯ ) 2 n 1
where n is the 3, means the three kinds of wildfire emissions as mentioned in Section 2.7. f i represent one of the three types of wildfire emissions. f ¯ is the averaged wildfire emissions of CT2019B, GFASv1.2, FINNv1.5.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. XCO 2 Experiments Results

Table 4 shows the monthly average XCO 2 of SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2, DA_EXP3 and CT2019B from July to October of 2015∼2018 in conterminous United States, with the CT2019B XCO 2 added as reference. As the Table 4 shows, the average annual increase in XCO 2 is approximately 2.57 ppm for the three experiments. The monthly averaged XCO 2 exhibits an uptrend from August to October every year, especially in October, where XCO 2 increases by 1.47 ppm, 1.27 ppm, 1.45 ppm, 1.11 ppm from 2015 to 2018 respectively.
Due to the absence of wildfire emissions in the prior fluxes of WRF-ChemV4.4 model, the monthly averaged XCO 2 of SIM_EXP2 is 0.02 ppm lower than SIM_EXP1 in conterminous United States. The monthly averaged XCO 2 of DA_EXP3 is closer to CT2019B than SIM_EXP1 and SIM_EXP2, indicating the assimilation of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals can optimize the XCO 2 distribution and make it more consistent with the CarbonTracker products.

3.2. Wildfire CO2 Emissions Experiments Results

Due to satellite transit time, clouds and aerosols, OCO-2 satellite only has several days in which it can detect wildfire in conterminous United States from July to October. To accurately estimate monthly wildfire CO2 emissions, the days we selected are those with OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals coupled with wildfires.
Figure 2 shows the spatial distribution of monthly mean CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with 10 m wind speed and wind direction in upper panel, the monthly mean Δ X C O 2 between DA_EXP3 and SIM_EXP2 with sufficient OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals days in lower panel, the time range is from July to October in 2015∼2018.
As the Figure 2 shows, compared with SIM_EXP2, after assimilating with OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals, the XCO 2 increment of DA_EXP3 mainly locate in or around the wildfire areas. Taking into account the distribution and numeric value of the OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals, the range of wildfire occurrences in the conterminous United States, the 10 m wind speed and wind direction in different months and the CO2 assimilate system, the XCO 2 increment is primarily located in the north and east, and SIM_EXP2 having a larger XCO 2 than DA_EXP3 in the other regions in July and August. In September and October, the XCO 2 increment mainly locate in northwest and southeast regions where the wildfire occurs, and the negative value of Δ X C O 2 is less than July and August.
Figure 3 shows the comparison between mean wildfire CO2 emissions of CT2019B, FINNv1.5, GFASv1.2 and estimates in our study. The monthly mean wildfire emissions of CT2019B, FINNv1.5, GFASv1.2 and our study are presented in Table 5. In our study, the four-month mean wildfire emissions in 2015 are 4.408 Tg C (1 Tg C = 10 12 g C), which is 26.34% higher than CT2019B, 33.63% higher than FINNv1.5 and 24.47% lower than GFASv1.2. These values fall within one standard deviation of the average values of CT2019B, FINNv1.5 and GFASv1.2 (4.208 ± 2.082 Tg C).
The four-month mean wildfire emissions in 2016 is 1.784 Tg C, is 34.05% larger than CT2019B, 32.26% lower than FINNv1.5 and 55.45% lower than GFASv1.2. While in 2017, because of the lack of OCO-2 observation data in August and September, the evaluation of wildfire emissions with our study is inaccurate, the four-month mean wildfire emissions of our study have a large gap with the other three emissions databases. And the four-month mean wildfire emissions in 2018 is 2.873 Tg C, is 53.72% larger than CT2019B, 35.29% lower than FINNv1.5 and 44.12% lower than GFASv1.2, which also falls within one standard deviation of the average of other three wildfire emissions.
The differences in wildfire CO2 emissions between different data sources are significant for each month. For instance, in August 2015, the wildfire CO2 emissions of GFASv1.2 are 18.391 Tg C, where those of FINNv1.5 are 7.238 Tg C. In October 2015, the wildfire CO2 emissions in our study are 4.263 Tg C, higher than all the others. The similar phenomenon also occurred in 2016∼2018, and the gap may be caused by the different estimation methods, model errors, different CO2 satellites observation data and so on. For example, GFAS use the top-down approach to calculate the biomass burning emissions by assimilating FRP observations from the MODIS instruments onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites. It corrects the gaps in the observations, considers the omission errors due to the undetected small fires, using atmospheric reactive gas simulations to produce the real time daily, 0.5 × 0.5 grid, global wildfire emissions. But the occurrence of a plume may be wrongly predicted or not predicted at all in situations with extreme variability in the fire activity. FINN use the bottom-up approach to provide daily, 1 km resolution, global estimates of emissions from open fires based on the Terra and Aqua from MODIS instruments satellite detection of hot spots. This method mainly uses the fire hot spots to estimate the wildfire emissions, ignoring the impact of smaller fires on CO2 emissions. And the use of assumed area burned, land cover maps, biomass consumption estimates, and emission factors all will introduce error into the model estimates. This leads to highly underestimation of the fire emissions in global, then causing the uncertainties and the large fluctuations in regional. CarbonTracker provides 3-hourly, 1 × 1 grid, global estimates of surface-atmosphere CO2 fluxes. For fire emissions, it uses GFED as one of the fire modules to estimate biomass burning. The burned area is based on MODIS satellite observations of fire counts, together with detailed vegetation cover information and a set of vegetation specific scaling factors. Based on the burned area estimate, the seasonally changing vegetation and soil biomass stocks in the CASA model are combusted and converted to atmospheric trace gases using estimates of fuel loads, combustion completeness, and burning efficiency. The diversity of wildfire CO2 emissions estimation methods will induce the difference in estimation results, but it also promotes the progress of the estimation methods.

3.3. Effect of OCO-2 XCO 2 Retrievals

For each subgraph of Figure 4, the left panel shows the spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire emissions with 10 m wind speed and wind direction, and the 10 s averaged OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode, the right panel shows the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode.
As the Figure 4a shows, the massive wildfire occurs in the northwest area of the conterminous United States, accompanied by north winds near the OCO-2 observation area. Taking the observations of the northernmost in the wildfire area as the background value, the maximum increment of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals is about 5.17 ppm. In Figure 4b, a larger wildfire occurs in northwest region, but that day has south winds. Using observations from southernmost in the wildfire area as the background value, the maximum increment of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals is approximately 3.16 ppm. In Figure 4c, the wildfire occurs in northwest and southeast region, but the OCO-2 observations mainly located in the center by southeast accompanied by north wind, the OCO-2 observations have an obvious upward trend in the southeast where the wildfire area, the maximum increment of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals is about 3.92 ppm. In Figure 4d, the wildfire mainly occurs in southeast region, accompanied by southwest wind, the maximum increment of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals is about 1.91 ppm.
Then analysis the XCO 2 of DA_EXP3 with the same select days are shown in Figure 4. The daily average XCO 2 distribution of SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2, DA_EXP3 and Δ X C O 2 between them are shown in Figure 5. In Figure 5a, the average XCO 2 of SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2 and DA_EXP3 in the northwest area of conterminous United States are 398.193 ppm, 398.192 ppm, 398.673 ppm respectively. Comparing with SIM_EXP1 and SIM_EXP2, the XCO 2 increment of DA_EXP3 mainly locate in northwest region where wildfire occurs and northeast region where no wildfire. As Figure 4a shows the wildfire areas, the distribution of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals and the wind direction, The XCO 2 increment of northeast region may affect by the north wind in northwest region and west wind in southwest region.
In Figure 5b, the XCO 2 of SIM_EXP2 is smaller than SIM_EXP1 due to the lack of wildfire CO2 emissions in the northwest of conterminous United States. After assimilating OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals, the XCO 2 of DA_EXP3 has shown improvement in regions affected by wildfires. Compared to SIM_EXP2, the results are more aligned with those of SIM_EXP1. This suggests that assimilating OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals are effective in correcting deviations in CO2 concentration that are caused by wildfire emissions. Besides, the XCO 2 distribution of DA_EXP3-SIM_EXP2 and DA_EXP3-SIM_EXP1 in other area of conterminous United States mainly due to the change of the initial CO2 concentration in each assimilation cycle.
In Figure 5c, the difference of XCO 2 between SIM_EXP1 and SIM_EXP2 is small in the southeast of conterminous United States. After assimilation, the XCO 2 of DA_EXP3 in the east region increased by assimilate with OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals, wind speed and wind direction (Figure 4c). However, the XCO 2 of DA_EXP3 in the middle region decreased due to the smaller OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals in this area, and this phenomenon indicates that the wildfire CO2 emissions in SIM_EXP1 may be underestimated.
In Figure 5d, the difference of XCO 2 between SIM_EXP1 and SIM_EXP2 is mainly in the southeast of conterminous United States where the wildfire occurs. Compared with the XCO 2 of DA_EXP3, the results of SIM_EXP1 and SIM_EXP2 are smaller in southwest and middle north region, but larger in southeast, this may be affected by atmospheric transmission, wind speed, wind direction and prior fluxes.
From 2016 to 2018, The selected spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions, OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode, the 10 m wind speed and wind direction shows in Appendix A.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, we evaluate the wildfire CO2 emissions in conterminous United States estimated by the regional CO2 assimilation system with OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals. The results is shown that the four-month (July to October) averaged wildfire CO2 emissions in 2015-2018 are 4.408 Tg C, 1.784 Tg C, 1.514 Tg C, 2.873 Tg C respectively. The results are fall within one standard deviation of the estimates from CT2019B, FINNv1.5 and GFASv1.2, except for 2017, even though the wildfire CO2 emissions has a big gap between different datasets in monthly. And the reason that the estimates of CO2 emissions in 2017 has larger uncertainty is the lack of OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals in August and September 2017.
The results indicate the potential of the regional carbon assimilation inversion system for estimating regional wildfire CO2 emissions. However, due to the representiveness error of the observations, model error of the chemical transport model and assimilation algorithm, the results of this study still have uncertainty. It needs more works to improve the method for quantifying the wildfires CO2 emissions more accurately.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Q.G.; methodology, J.J. and Q.Z.; software, J.J. and Q.Z.; validation, J.J.; formal analysis, J.J.; investigation, J.J.; resources, J.J.; data curation, J.J.; writing—original draft preparation, J.J. and Q.Z.; writing—review and editing, J.J., Y.H., C.W. and Q.G.; visualization, J.J.; supervision, Q.G.; project administration, J.J.; funding acquisition, Q.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research is funded by Shanghai 2022 “Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan” Science and Technology Support for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Special Project (Grant number: 22dz1208806), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.52178060).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

CT2019B data are provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and available from Global Monitoring Laboratory (accessed on 15 November 2023); OCO-2 V10 data are provied by NASA and available from EARTHDATA (accessed on 15 November 2023); Meteorological data are provied by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and availible from (accessed on 15 November 2023).


The authors acknowledge the free availability of the WRF-Chem model (accessed on 15 November 2023), DART system (accessed on 15 November 2023), and sincere thanks to Arthur P. Mizzi’s contributions on WRF-Chem/DART system. The meteorological data from NCEP (accessed on 15 November 2023). CarbonTracker CT2019B results provided by NOAA (accessed on 15 November 2023). OCO-2 V10 data from the NASA (accessed on 15 November 2023). GFASv1.2 wildfire CO2 emissions datasets from Atmosphere\#!/dataset/cams-global-fire-emissions-gfas?tab=overview (accessed on 15 November 2023). FINNv1.5 fire emissions from NCAR/UCAR (accessed on 15 November 2023).

Conflicts of Interest

Author Qinwei Zhang was employed by the company Sungrow Power Shanghai Company Limited. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Figure A1. The spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction, 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (left panel), the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (right panel). (a) 28 July 2016; (b) 22 August 2016; (c) 9 September 2016; (d) 26 October 2016.
Figure A1. The spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction, 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (left panel), the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (right panel). (a) 28 July 2016; (b) 22 August 2016; (c) 9 September 2016; (d) 26 October 2016.
Atmosphere 15 00186 g0a1
Figure A2. The spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction, 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (left panel), the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (right panel). (a) 18 July 2017; (b) 29 September 2017; (c) 13 October 2017.
Figure A2. The spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction, 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (left panel), the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (right panel). (a) 18 July 2017; (b) 29 September 2017; (c) 13 October 2017.
Atmosphere 15 00186 g0a2
Figure A3. The spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction, 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (left panel), the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (right panel). (a) 13 July 2018; (b) 25 August 2018; (c) 13 September 2018; (d) 11 October 2018.
Figure A3. The spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction, 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (left panel), the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (right panel). (a) 13 July 2018; (b) 25 August 2018; (c) 13 September 2018; (d) 11 October 2018.
Atmosphere 15 00186 g0a3


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Figure 1. The spatial distribution of wildfire CO2 emissions in July to October in conterminous United States during 2015 to 2018.
Figure 1. The spatial distribution of wildfire CO2 emissions in July to October in conterminous United States during 2015 to 2018.
Atmosphere 15 00186 g001
Figure 2. The spatial distribution of monthly mean wildfire CO2 emissions from CT2019B with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction in the conterminous United States (upper panel), the monthly mean Δ X C O 2 between DA_EXP3 and SIM_EXP2 with enough OCO-2 XCO 2 observations in the conterminous United States (lower panel), the time range is from July to October in 2015∼2018.
Figure 2. The spatial distribution of monthly mean wildfire CO2 emissions from CT2019B with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction in the conterminous United States (upper panel), the monthly mean Δ X C O 2 between DA_EXP3 and SIM_EXP2 with enough OCO-2 XCO 2 observations in the conterminous United States (lower panel), the time range is from July to October in 2015∼2018.
Atmosphere 15 00186 g002
Figure 3. The comparison between mean wildfire CO2 emissions of CT2019B, FINNv1.5, GFASv1.2 and our study in the conterminous United States from July to October in 2015∼2018.
Figure 3. The comparison between mean wildfire CO2 emissions of CT2019B, FINNv1.5, GFASv1.2 and our study in the conterminous United States from July to October in 2015∼2018.
Atmosphere 15 00186 g003
Figure 4. The spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction, 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (left panel), the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (right panel). (a) 6 July 2015; (b) 11 August 2015; (c) 10 September 2015; (d) 12 October 2015.
Figure 4. The spatial distribution of CT2019B wildfire CO2 emissions with the 10 m wind speed and wind direction, 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (left panel), the latitude variation of 10 s average OCO-2 XCO 2 retrievals with nadir mode (right panel). (a) 6 July 2015; (b) 11 August 2015; (c) 10 September 2015; (d) 12 October 2015.
Atmosphere 15 00186 g004
Figure 5. The spatial distribution of the daily XCO 2 (upper panal) and Δ XCO 2 (lower panel) of SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2 and DA_EXP3. (a) 6 July 2015; (b) 11 August 2015; (c) 10 September 2015; (d) 12 October 2015.
Figure 5. The spatial distribution of the daily XCO 2 (upper panal) and Δ XCO 2 (lower panel) of SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2 and DA_EXP3. (a) 6 July 2015; (b) 11 August 2015; (c) 10 September 2015; (d) 12 October 2015.
Atmosphere 15 00186 g005
Table 1. Physics and chemistry configurations of the WRF-Chem V4.4.
Table 1. Physics and chemistry configurations of the WRF-Chem V4.4.
Domain center 34.939 N– 96.275 W
Grid resolution50 km
Interval seconds21,600 s/6 h
Time steps240 s
Start date2015~01-07-2018 00:00:00
End date2015~01-11-2018 00:00:00
Microphysics processWSM 5-class simple ice scheme [31]
Cumulus parameterizationKain-Fritsch scheme [32]
Longwave atmospheric radiationRRTM scheme [33]
Shortwave atmospheric radiationDudhia scheme [34]
Planetary boundary layer schemeMYNN 2.5 level TKE [35]
Surface layer schemeMYNN [36]
Land surface schemeUnified Noah Land surface model
Chemistry optionchem_opt = 16 (CO2 only)
Table 2. The configurations of the three experiments.
Table 2. The configurations of the three experiments.
Experiment NameInitial and BoundaryPrior FluxAssimilate or NotExperiment Time
SIM_EXP1CT2019B CO2 total mole fractions productsCT2019B optimized fluxes with fire emissionsNOJuly to October of 2015∼2018
SIM_EXP2CT2019B CO2 total mole fractions productsCT2019B optimized fluxes without fire emissionsNOJuly to October of 2015∼2018
DA_EXP3CT2019B CO2 total mole fractions productsCT2019B optimized fluxes without fire emissionsYESJuly to October of 2015∼2018
Table 3. The OCO-2 XCO 2 observations days in wildfire areas of the conterminous United States from July to October of 2015∼2018.
Table 3. The OCO-2 XCO 2 observations days in wildfire areas of the conterminous United States from July to October of 2015∼2018.
Table 4. The monthly average XCO 2 of SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2, DA_EXP3 and CT2019B from July to October of 2015∼2018 in conterminous United States.
Table 4. The monthly average XCO 2 of SIM_EXP1, SIM_EXP2, DA_EXP3 and CT2019B from July to October of 2015∼2018 in conterminous United States.
Table 5. The wildfire CO2 emissions of CT2019B, FINNv1.5, GFASv1.2 and our study in the conterminous United States from July to October in 2015∼2018.
Table 5. The wildfire CO2 emissions of CT2019B, FINNv1.5, GFASv1.2 and our study in the conterminous United States from July to October in 2015∼2018.
YearWildfire Emissions(Tg C)JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberMean
Mean of CT2019B,
1.177 ± 0.65211.414 ± 6.0812.182 ± 1.0532.059 ± 0.5414.208 ± 2.082
Our study3.5688.2511.5524.2634.408
Mean of CT2019B,
2.348 ± 1.7913.650 ± 2.6822.586 ± 0.7612.041 ± 1.2962.656 ± 1.633
Our study0.5110.7913.9991.8341.784
Mean of CT2019B,
3.186 ± 3.1374.062 ± 0.6856.078 ± 1.2732.375 ± 1.4153.925 ± 1.627
Our study1.758NA0.7332.0521.514
Mean of CT2019B,
3.844 ± 2.2586.560 ± 2.6073.114 ± 1.6001.752 ± 1.2653.817 ± 1.933
Our study2.0873.0614.1002.2462.873
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MDPI and ACS Style

**, J.; Zhang, Q.; Wei, C.; Gu, Q.; Huang, Y. Wildfire CO2 Emissions in the Conterminous United States from 2015 to 2018 as Estimated by the WRF-Chem Assimilation System from OCO-2 XCO2 Retrievals. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 186.

AMA Style

** J, Zhang Q, Wei C, Gu Q, Huang Y. Wildfire CO2 Emissions in the Conterminous United States from 2015 to 2018 as Estimated by the WRF-Chem Assimilation System from OCO-2 XCO2 Retrievals. Atmosphere. 2024; 15(2):186.

Chicago/Turabian Style

**, Jiu**, Qinwei Zhang, Chong Wei, Qianrong Gu, and Yongjian Huang. 2024. "Wildfire CO2 Emissions in the Conterminous United States from 2015 to 2018 as Estimated by the WRF-Chem Assimilation System from OCO-2 XCO2 Retrievals" Atmosphere 15, no. 2: 186.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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