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Systematic Construction of Knowledge Graphs for Research-Performing Organizations

Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Spain
Universitas XXI, 28043 Madrid, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Information 2022, 13(12), 562;
Submission received: 14 October 2022 / Revised: 17 November 2022 / Accepted: 24 November 2022 / Published: 30 November 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Knowledge Graph Technology and Its Applications)


Research-Performing Organizations (e.g., research centers, universities) usually accumulate a wealth of data related to their researchers, the generated scientific results and research outputs, and publicly and privately-funded projects that support their activities, etc. Even though the types of data handled may look similar across organizations, it is common to see that each institution has developed its own data model to provide support for many of their administrative activities (project reporting, curriculum management, personnel management, etc.). This creates obstacles to the integration and linking of knowledge across organizations, as well as difficulties when researchers move from one institution to another. In this paper, we take advantage of the ontology network created by the Spanish HERCULES initiative to facilitate the construction of knowledge graphs from existing information systems, such as the one managed by the company Universitas XXI, which provides support to more than 100 Spanish-speaking research-performing organizations worldwide. Our effort is not just focused on following the modeling choices from that ontology, but also on demonstrating how the use of standard declarative map** rules (i.e., R2RML) guarantees a systematic and sustainable workflow for constructing and maintaining a KG. We also present several real-world use cases in which the proposed workflow is adopted together with a set of lessons learned and general recommendations that may also apply to other domains. The next steps include researching in the automation of the creation of the map** rules, the enrichment of the KG with external sources, and its exploitation though distributed environments.

1. Introduction

Research-performing organizations such as universities and research centers collect and accumulate a large amount of data related to their activities (e.g., scientific results, project outputs, academic courses, etc.). Although there are some common information models (e.g., EuroCRIS [1]), in this domain it is common practice for each of these organizations to develop their own information system to support all their activities. This fact has a negative impact on integrating and exploiting knowledge across institutions and also makes it difficult for researchers to manage their data when they move from one organization to another. The effectiveness of semantic web technologies and knowledge graphs [2] for complex data management tasks has already been demonstrated in several domains [3,4,5], by companies (e.g., Google [6], Amazon [7]) and public communities (e.g., DBpedia [8], Wikidata [9]).
HERCULES is a multi-anual project, promoted by the main Spanish association of universities (CRUE) [10], that aims to build a semantic layer to harmonize the knowledge and data of the information systems of Spanish research-performing organizations. The main objective is to address data interoperability problems across organizations in terms of schemes and formats, ensuring efficient exploitation of combined knowledge. HERCULES covers the description of PhD courses, preparation and tracking of research projects, and management of research outputs (e.g., papers, datasets, etc.) among others.
The project has already developed an ontology [11] that represents this domain, the Hercules Ontology Network (ROH). Its authors follow a bottom-up approach, taking the data model from the University of Murcia [12], as the main input while considering existing ontologies in this domain. Now, the rest of Spanish universities are encouraged to transform their data into a compliant knowledge graph with the aforementioned vocabulary, but the project neither specifies how to do it nor provides any technological support for that process.
In this paper, we describe the process followed in the creation of knowledge graphs compliant with the HERCULES ontology. As a real-use case, we are supported by the information system provided by the company Universitas XXI, which provides support to more than 100 research-producing organizations around the world (mostly in Spain and Latin America). In addition to following the modeling choices from the ontology, we develop a sustainable and systematic workflow to construct knowledge graphs using standard semantic web technologies (i.e., R2RML map** rules). As a result of this work, and based on our previous experiences in similar contexts, we present several real use cases where research-performing organizations have already included this workflow in their information systems, together with a set of lessons learned and general recommendations that may also apply to other domains.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides an overview of the state of the art in KG construction and the use of map** rules in real-world scenarios. Section 3 describes in detail the ROH ontology used in our work. Section 4 presents the sustainable workflow implemented to construct knowledge graphs with research data extracted from Spanish university databases supported by the HERCULES information systems. Section 5 describes several use cases where our workflow has already been adopted, and Section 6 provides a set of lessons learned and recommendations. Section 7 outlines the main conclusions of the article and future work.

2. Related Work

In this section, we describe different (semantic) approaches that represent research and scientific data. We also present current solutions that allow the construction of knowledge graphs from a declarative perspective (i.e., using map** rules) and related real use cases where this approach has been followed.
Many ontologies and vocabularies were defined to represent the scientific data domain. The most representative ontology for our use case is the VIVO ontology [13], which is focused on describing the academic domain. It represents the relations between researchers and academic assets such as projects, courses, papers, etc. The ontology is developed under the support of the VIVO project, which also allows creating academic portals using semantic web technologies. Another relevant ontology is the Bibliographic ontology (BIBO) [14], which aims to represent citations and bibliographic references, and is widely reused in other ontologies (e.g., VIVO). SPAR ontologies [15] are a family of ontologies that aim to provide full coverage for publishing and referencing scientific publications. Although there are many vocabularies [16,17] that model the research domain, the Hercules Ontology Network [11] is based mainly on VIVO and BIBO ontologies.
There are many domains and real use cases where declarative map** rules are used to construct knowledge graphs. Most of them are supported by the W3C standard, R2RML [18], or its well-known extension for data beyond relational databases, RML [19]. In [20] the authors present a framework for integrating Bosch company manufacturing data as a virtual knowledge graph. They propose the use of Ontop [21] as the engine that translates SPARQL queries into SQL through OBDA map**s (Ontop map** rules are equivalent to R2RML map** rules [22]). Although it provides a general framework for creating virtual knowledge graphs from relational databases, the map** rules are quite simple (around 53 rules), and details on how they have been generated or their sustainability are not described in depth. Another successful use case in which map** rules were used to construct knowledge graphs is reported in [23], where the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) uses semantic web technologies to describe the European railway infrastructure. The knowledge graph is created from 28 heterogeneous data sources (a relational database and CSV files), and the map**s are declared using (YARR)RML [24]. The construction follows an ETL-based approach and uses the RMLMapper processor [25]. The authors mention that the generated map** rules are “the central resource for the ERA KG generation process”, and that they can be adapted, modified, or extended for new versions, but they do not specify any methodology or workflow to be followed. There are many other use cases [26,27] where map** rules were used to construct (virtual) knowledge graphs, but their main focus is usually on optimizing the data integration process.
Despite the enormous effort of the community to provide a suite of map** languages (e.g., the W3C recommendation R2RML [18] for RDB or its main extension RML [19]) and their corresponding optimized parsers (e.g., Ontop [21], Morph-KGC [28], SDM-RDFizer [29]), we realized that most of the current in-production KGs constructed from (semi)structured data sources [30,31,32] follow a scripting-based approach. In several use cases (e.g., Bio2RDF [33]), it has been demonstrated that this procedure negatively affects important features of the created KGs, such as maintenance, reproducibility, transparency, and data provenance. Hence, our suspicion is that there is a gap, not in the technological side (languages and engines), but in the methodology of the creation of the declarative map** rules. In this paper, we present a sustainable methodology for declaring a knowledge graph construction process and its applications on a real industry-based example, showing the benefits of following a declarative approach together with a set of lessons learned.

3. Research-Performing Organizations in Spain: The Hercules Project

The HERCULES project was born to create a semantic layer on top of the research-performing organizations information systems to harmonize them and enhance data interchange among institutions and with the Ministry of Science and Education. In this section, we present an overview of the Hercules Ontology Network (ROH) [11], which has already been developed within the project, and which Spanish universities are encourage to be aligned with.

The Hercules Ontology Network

Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of the ROH classes and their main relations. We can observe that it models different entities, each of them represented by a color in Figure 1. For example, the entity research object is composed of a main class roh:ResearchObject and a set of subclasses such as vivo:Dataset, bibo:Patent, and bibo:Document. We provide a detailed explanation of each entity in the following points:
  • Project entities describes information related to any business or science activity, which is carefully planned with milestones, work packages, risks, etc. Each project can be classified into different categories (private, national, european, etc.) depending on how it is funded, and it may also be part of another project.
  • Person entities focus on representing information about researchers, based mainly on the foaf:Person class. The ontology extends this class to incorporate specific research information. For example, it includes data properties such as roh:scopusID, roh:orcid, and vivo:researchId and object properties such as roh:hasRole, roh:hasCV, and roh:hasKnowledgeArea.
  • Organization entities include the general description of research-performing organizations (e.g., universities, research centers, etc.). Similarly to the person entity, an organization entity mainly extends foaf:Organization, including specific data and objects properties about this kind of institutions. In addition, it includes a subclass to represent data from organizations that are allowed to emit academic accreditations.
  • Funding entities represent the information associated with the funding of a project or an organization. The entity presents a general class (roh:Funding) and a set of subclasses (e.g., roh:Grant, roh:Loan). Each funding is divided into several roh:FundingAmount. Furthermore, the entity defines three other classes that are related between them: a roh:FundingProgram comes from a roh:FundingSource, which is supported by a vivo:FundingOrganization.
  • Research Object entities aim to follow good open science practices, providing support to semantically represent all the results from projects (e.g., deliverables, reports, datasets), academic courses (e.g., Ph.D. or Master thesis), and other common research outputs (e.g., scientific papers, patents, etc.). It imports two main classes from the Information Artifact Ontology (OBO-IAO) [34] to represent in more detail any kind of research document, software repositories such as GitHub, Zenodo, or BitBucket, experimental protocols, or pieces of software.
  • Activity entities focus on representing information about the actions or participations in events that researchers usually carry out during their career. In addition to the general class roh:Activity, the ontology includes a set of more specific classes such as bibo:Conference, vivo:Internship, and vivo:InvitedTalk.
There are other entities and concepts defined in the ontology, such as metrics or curriculum vitae, but it is out of the scope for this paper to provide a full overview of all of them.
Apart from having a general overview of the entities and concepts that the ontology models, the main input that the knowledge engineer needs to construct the map**s is the documentation of the ontology. Currently, ROH documentation is generated following good practices in ontology publication: it uses Widoco [35], and it is openly available through a permanent identifier [36].
However, in the first versions of the ontology, when the knowledge graph construction process was carried out, the documentation was provided in a PDF file with tables. An example of how the documentation about the roh:ResearchResult class and its subclasses is provided is shown in Figure 2. This ad-hoc way of describing the ontology increases the difficulties of knowledge engineers to ensure the correctness of the map** rules, hence compromising the quality of the constructed knowledge graph. For example, the documentation does not provide information about the meaning of the colors used in Figure 1 and Figure 2, so the knowledge engineer must spend time to understand their meaning. We suspect that, at least in Figure 2, the colors are used to refer to an extension or reuse of classes already defined in previous ontologies (e.g., light blue is used for the VIVO ontology [37]). To mitigate this risk, instead of relying on the documentation, we decided to use the source of the ontology (i.e., the OWL file) to generate a preliminary set of map** template rules with a semi-automatic map** generation tool, as we will explain in more detail in Section 4.

4. Sustainable Workflow for Constructing KGs

In this section, we describe in detail the process for creating a set of R2RML map** rules compliant with the ROH ontology. We decide to choose R2RML, as it is the standard W3C recommendation to create map** rules from relational databases. The input sources used are associated with the Universitas XXI database. However, the workflow presented here is domain independent; thus it can be applied or adapted to any other domain or database instance. We aim to create a sustainable and reasonable framework for constructing knowledge graphs in complex data scenarios.
Figure 3 presents the main steps of the workflow: (i) automatic generation of map** templates; (ii) divide and conquer approach for systematic map**; (iii) map** template refinement; (iv) systematic filling of the rules; (v) validation of the map** with domain experts in the loop; and (vi) RDF generation. In our use case, this procedure took us 6 persons-month to complete. In the following sections, we explain each step in more detail.

4.1. Generation and Refinement of Map** Templates

The first step of our workflow is to generate a set of map** templates using the defined ontology as input. The requirements imposed to ourselves are: (i) the output map** templates have to use a human-friendly format, and (ii) reduce to the minimum the manual and unreproducible work. We decided to use our tool OWL2YARRRML [38], which takes an OWL ontology as input and outputs a template map** (without filling in the references to the data source) in YARRRML [24]. We show an example of a generated template in Listing 1. This tool implements the following rules:
For each ontology class (e.g., vivo:Project) an empty map** is generated, with a common structure: one empty source, one subject map with a potential URI created following good practices on resource name strategy (We define it in a rr:template property, using the ontology URI base followed by the name of the class and an empty reference.), one predicate object map that indicates the class and subclasses of the entity.
For each data property associated to a class (i.e., the domain of the property is the class), a tuple of predicate object maps is created. It is composed by a predicate, which is the actual value of the data property, and an empty reference in the object. In addition, if the range of the property is defined with a datatype, a third value is added with the corresponding value. For example, in Listing 1 the property roh:projectStatus has the class vivo:Project in its domain and the datatype xsd:integer in the range, hence the corresponding map** tuple is created.
Similar to the previous step, for each object property and its domain class (If the property has several classes the process is repeated), a reference predicate object map is created where the parent triples map is the actual triples map which defines the rules for the class in the range of the property. The conditions of the join remain empty in this step. In our example, the property roh:produces has the class vivo:Project as domain and roh:ResearchObject as range, so the corresponding rule is created.
Listing 1: Automatic YARRRML template.
  • map**s:
  • ProjectTM:
  • sources:
  • - table:
  • s: universitas-kg:project/$()
  • po:
  • - [a, vivo:Project]
  • - [a, obo-bfo:BFO_0000015]
  • - [vivo:identifier, $()] #datatype
  • - [vivo:abbreviation, $()]
  • - [roh:title, $()]
  • - [roh:projectStatus, $(), xsd:integer]
  • - [roh:knowledgeArea, $()] #SKOS
  • - p: vivo:relates #absence?
  • o:
  • - map**: audit
  • condition:
  • function: equal
  • parameters:
  • - [str1, $()]
  • - [str2, $()]
  • - p: vivo:participates
  • o:
  • - map**: activity
  • condition:
  • function: equal
  • parameters:
  • - [str1, $()]
  • - [str2, $()]
  • - p: roh:produces
  • o:
  • - map**: researchObject
  • condition:
  • function: equal
  • parameters:
  • - [str1, $()]
  • - [str2, $()]
After obtaining the first version of the map** template, we decide to perform two relevant steps to improve the quality of the template and also to help during its filling process. The first step is to split the map** document into multiple ones per entity. After the generation, the complete map** contains more than 20,000 lines (in YARRML syntax) and more than 300 triples map. Filling the complete document in one go does not seem to be a good idea due to the amount of rules, and can negatively impact on the quality of the generated knowledge graph. Hence, we decide to split the full document into several independent map**s, including the rules for each entity (i.e., a map** template for project, a map** template for activity, etc.). We finalize this step with 21 map** entities. The second step is to refine each map** template. Manually, the knowledge engineer reviews each entity map** to check for potential inconsistencies. Examples of these inconsistencies are: modifying the subject URI to use another web domain, changing the datatype of an object to be more general, or adding the rr:termType rr:IRI for generating URIs. Additionally, detailed comments on the map** are also posted to help during the next steps and during maintenance. Examples of these comments include: mentioning potential SKOS concept lists (as they could demand transformation functions over the input data), potential datatypes of an object that are not defined in the ontology, or decisions taken in the map** declaration (e.g., instantiate all classes and subclasses of an entity to improve the SPARQL queries).

4.2. Systematic Filling of Map** Rules

The second step is to fill in the map** templates with reference from the input data source (a relational database in our case). In order to follow a systematic procedure, we first analyze for each entity what the potential tables of the database are that may contain relevant information for the map**. To do that, before starting the map** process, we perform a preliminary analysis of the database to ensure that the most relevant concepts of the ontology were also represented in the tables. Then, we rely on the documentation provided by the tables (description in natural language) and the defined table clusters by the database administrators in the information system. These steps decrease the search space the knowledge engineer has to inspect for filling the map** rules. For example, in this case, it does not make sense to inspect a table from the cluster "expenses" to fill the template of the person entity.
Once we limit the corresponding tables for each entity, we start the actual map** step. The first step is to find the table or tables that contain the relevant information for each map**, we again rely on the natural language description of the table and its columns for performing it. Then, the empty references of the template are filled with the column references. However, in several cases, the information needed to fully fill the rules needs to be adapted. We identify two main cases where the data needs to be pre-processed before the construction of the knowledge graph. The first case is when the data needed for an entity is distributed in several tables and has to be defined in only one for a correct map**. The second case is when the data need to be transformed before doing the conversion to RDF (e.g., for a SKOS list). For those cases, we decide not to increase the map** complexity (i.e., making a SQL view directly in the map** using the rr:sqlQuery property or using functions inside the map** rules [39]), but we directly define an SQL script that creates that view. We decide to follow this approach for several reasons: (i) the views can be managed by database experts from the company without knowledge about semantic web technologies; (ii) we believe that it is more maintainable to define all views together in one SQL script than distributing them across the map** rules; (iii) the built-in SQL functions are usually enough for the requirements of the data transformations [40]; and (iv) the declaration of functions within the map** rules is not standardized yet and most engines do not support this feature.
When each map** template is complete (see Listing 2), we perform an initial testing validation process. First, we use the YARRRML translator tool [41] to translate our YARRRML map** into turtle syntax-based R2RML rules. If the engine throws an error, this means that there is a syntax issue in the map** document that has to be resolved. After this step, we are ready to load the map** into an R2RML engine. In our case, we rely on the Universitas XXI—Oracle DBMS, enabling its semantic capabilities, as it includes a layer for R2RML map**s (Please, note that the use of Oracle RDBMS as the backend database does not allow us to provide any empirical evaluation in this paper). In this task, we check, on the one hand, if the map** rules have any error regarding misspelling table or column names (which is very common), and, on the other hand, if the generated RDF is the expected one. This last step means that we perform an initial and simple validation where we check if the RDF is generated according to the map** rules by running simple SPARQL queries that ask for all resources of each class and their main properties (see Listing 3 as an example). For each entity, we create an independent view on Oracle to test them systematically.
Listing 2: YARRRML map** filled.
  • ProjectTM:
  • sources:
  • - table: view_of_table1
  • s: universitas-kg:project/$(c1)
  • po:
  • - [a, vivo:Project]
  • - [a, obo-bfo:BFO_0000015]
  • - [vivo:identifier, $(c1)]
  • - [vivo:abbreviation, $(c2)]
  • - [roh:title, $(c3)]
  • - [roh:projectStatus, $(c4), xsd:integer]
  • - [roh:knowledgeArea, skos:$(c5)]
  • - p: vivo:participates
  • o:
  • - map**: activity
  • condition:
  • function: equal
  • parameters:
  • - [str1, $(c7)]
  • - [str2, $(c1)]
  • - p: roh:produces
  • o:
  • - map**: researchObject
  • condition:
  • function: equal
  • parameters:
  • - [str1, $(c8)]
  • - [str2, $(c1)]
Listing 3: SPARQL query for extracting basic information from a researcher.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • PREFIX bibo: <>
  • PREFIX roh: <>
  • PREFIX vivo: <>
  • ?researcher a foaf:Person .
  • ?researcher roh:hasAccreditation ?acreditation .
  • ?researcher roh:hasKnowledgeArea ?knowledge_area .
  • ?researcher foaf:name ?name .
  • ?researcher roh:participates ?participation .
  • ?participation a ?partic_type .
  • ?researcher roh:title ?acticity_title
  • FILTER (?partic_type = bibo:Conference || ?partic_type = vivo:InvitedTalk)
  • }

4.3. Validating the Map**s with Experts

One of the most important steps during the construction of a knowledge graph following a declarative way is to ensure that the declared relationships between the ontology and the input sources are correct. For that reason, once the map**s are completed and tested, we involved a set of domain experts in the loop from the company. It is important to mention that in addition to an in depth knowledge of the domain, it is desirable that these experts also have good technical knowledge (e.g., SQL), and they are able to query and work with the relational database system efficiently. Together with the knowledge engineer, they review and validate the map** rules for each entity. The following activities are performed:
  • Semantic validation of map** relations. The domain experts validate that the relationships declared in the map**s between the concepts and the properties of the ontology are semantically equivalent to the references (tables and columns in this case) of the input sources.
  • Validation of the SQL views. During the map** process, the knowledge engineer creates a set of SQL views to transform and prepare the data in the RDB to generate the desirable knowledge graph. Domain experts review and validate these SQL views to ensure their correctness and that the transformations are also semantically equivalent (for example, in the SKOS lists).
  • Identification of missing references. The experts help the knowledge engineer in identifying and filling missing references from the database to the ontology properties. This activity can follow a bottom-up approach, reviewing database references, and finding the correspondence in the ontology, or in the other way around. The knowledge engineer decides which approach to follow depending on the size and knowledge coverage of both resources.
At the end of this step, we can confirm that each map** entity is ready to construct the complete knowledge graph.

4.4. Map** Integration and KG Construction

The final step is to integrate all map** entities into one complete document and construct the final knowledge graph. This is currently carried out through a manual step because we need to be sure that the references to the map** identifier within the join conditions are the same for all entities. However, this process can be automated by implementing an integration tool. We finalize loading the complete map** document into the Oracle database, generating more than 4 million triples from a sample database instance of a research performing organization (Due privacy reasons we cannot give more information about the research performing organization we use for testing our approach.).

5. Use Case: Universitas XXI

Universitas XXI is a Spanish company that provides technological support to more than 100 research-performing organizations worldwide. It has developed an information system that can be adapted to the requirements of each supported institution, but it is critical for the company to be compliant with the ROH ontology and provide that service to organizations. Providing its database instance, the help to define the standard methodology presented in this paper, and they include it to construct their knowledge graphs (one per each supported organization). Therefore, the knowledge graphs constructed from the Universitas XXI information system are currently exploited in several real use cases. In this section, we provide an overview of all of them.

5.1. Feed the HERCULES Central Node

The HERCULES project configures a centralized node where all knowledge graphs that comply with its ontology can be integrated. Thus, the virtual knowledge graph created by each organization during the previous steps has been materialized into a native RDF dataset. Although at the moment of writing the SHACL shapes with the data constraints (that are claimed to have been generated in the context of the project) have not been provided by the creators of the ontology, it is supposed that they will be available soon, and hence the generated knowledge graphs will go through an additional validation step. This step will verify that the data we generated with our solution are compliant with the provided ontology and can be integrated in the central node of the project. The current validation that we perform is through a set of SPARQL queries provided by the official repository of the ontology [42].

5.2. Publishing the Knowledge Graphs through REST APIs

To bring RDF data closer to developers, a common procedure is to provide them through REST APIs [43,44]. This step would facilitate not only the exploitation of the knowledge graphs from the Universitas XXI developers, but also from any IT department of the supported universities, without the need of having specific technical knowledge on semantic web technologies. R4R [45], which has already been tested and used in several EU and national projects, is our own tool able to easily expose the data through REST APIs.

5.3. Exploiting Integrated Knowledge within the Organizations

Taking advantage of easily querying the integrated knowledge graph through ORACLE DBMS, Universitas XXI has developed a set of new features in its information system. Due to the use of declarative map**s to construct the KG, the rules are already integrated into the workflow of each Oracle database instance (one per organization). This allows database managers and developers to implement these new features once and deploy them to those organizations that want the services. In addition to an SPARQL endpoint, which is deployed by default, they provide new user interfaces for organizations to easily access the integrated knowledge.

6. Lessons Learned

In this section, we present a set of lessons learned extracted from the development of this methodology where declarative map** rules play a key role. These recommendations summarize our experience of using standard semantic web technologies to systematically construct a knowledge graph in a complex domain such as research, but we hope that they will serve the community as general recommendations for any other domain.
  • Simple but useful support tools. The construction of a knowledge graph in complex domains requires tools that support the creation of the rules and the management of complex data management tasks. Although there are solutions that aim to automatically create semantic annotations [46], they usually need a target KG (e.g., DBpedia or Wikidata) to create the actual instances from the input sources. However, most of the use cases have to fit the input data to a domain ontology, what demands manual work from a knowledge engineering for creating the map** rules. We notice that simple tools such as OWL2YARRRML [38], the use of YARRRML [24] syntax instead of the common turtle-based syntax for the rules, or the deployment of virtual SPARQL endpoints per resource facilitates the creation and management of the rules and also guarantees their high quality and correctness.
  • Domain experts with technical knowledge in the loop. One of the most relevant tasks during the construction of a knowledge graph is to ensure the correctness of the map** (i.e., a column/field/register from the input source means exactly the same as a property/class of the ontology). The developer of the map** rules (aka the knowledge engineer) knows very well the ontology and its structure, but in complex environments having a complete overview of the input sources is complicated, as documentation is not always sufficient. Involving domain experts that go beyond the knowledge of domain and have technical skills (for querying the database, understanding the tables and relations, etc.) is one of the key aspects to be successful during the map** process. They help the knowledge engineer to understand the meaning of tables and columns as well as complex relationships and modeling decisions of the database.
  • Divide and Conquer. Map** has been been understood as an engineering task, but we believe that it is actually one of the most relevant and complex steps for constructing high quality domain knowledge graphs. For example, in our use case, we have a complex data integration problem where the ontology and the database have been developed completely independently, modeling a rich domain as it is research in different ways. First, it is needed to identify which of the two inputs overlaps the other, i.e., if the ontology covers more knowledge than the database or vice versa, and then a divide and conquer process can be followed to ensure a systematic map** task. In our case, the database is the resource that covers more knowledge than the ontology, so we decided to split the map** process by each class of the ontology. In this manner, we follow a systematic map** process, ensuring that all the classes and properties from the ontology will be mapped.
  • Delegate complex tasks to the DBMS. During the knowledge graph construction process there are many cases where the input data needs to be transformed or modified for obtaining the desirable structure in the generated RDF. This is usually the case of the SKOS lists, where the URIs defined in the thesaurus do not have a 1-1 map** to the actual values of the database. Hence, some data transformation functions have to be applied. There are approaches that allow the declarative description of functions within map** rules [39,47], that are interesting when the input source is not loaded in a database (i.e., raw files, APIS, etc). However, in cases that the input sources are supported by a DBMS it is better to create views and apply the transformation functions using the capabilities of the databases. On the one hand, delegating its application, we ensure an efficient execution of the transformation functions while we still maintain them in a declarative form. On the other hand, the domain experts and database managers are able to understand, manage, change and execute the created views, without adding more complexity to the map** documents.
  • Sustainable procedures. Either the ontology or the input sources can suffer changes after finishing the construction of the knowledge graph. This has a direct impact to the map** rules, as they need to be adapted to new versions of the involved artifacts. In complex environments where the map** rules can be huge (e.g., in our case the map** document is defined by more than 5000 rules following N-Triples syntax), changing a property, a reference to a column or a class might be a difficult task. Defining common procedures and sustainable workflows to address these potential problems is also part of the construction of the knowledge graphs. The domain experts and database managers have to understand the map** rules, its syntax but also its semantics, to be able to make these changes without the support of the knowledge engineer. Solutions such as YARRRML [24] that define the map** rules following the YAML syntax or Mapeathor [48] that does the same but using Excel sheets, are good examples of how to use the general technical know how that developers, engineers, or database managers have for declaring the rules in a more human-friendly form.

7. Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper, we have described a methodology for constructing a knowledge graph and integrating several information over research-performing organizations. As a real use case, the methodology is supported by the HERCULES project, which aims to use semantic web technologies to improve data sharing between the current 79 universities in Spain. Together with the company Universitas XXI, we demonstrate the power of standard and declarative map** rules for constructing knowledge graphs from any of these organizations. Taking advantage of the ontology network created by HERCULES, we define a systematic procedure to define the map** rules, supported by well-known tools and a sustainable workflow, that can be applied as well in other domains to construct knowledge graphs. The created resources are used to generate the corresponding knowledge graph of each research performing organization that is supported by Universitas XXI. Additionally, each knowledge graph will be exploited by a REST API to allow an easy access for the IT developers of the research-performing organizations. Several new features are being implemented for accessing the integrated data, that will also help researchers and other stakeholders to improve several tasks such as generation of curriculum vitae, quality metrics calculation, etc.
The future work of this project includes the exploration of new techniques that (semi)automatize the creation of map** rules [46], for example, by performing entity recognition or word embedding approaches [49] to find relations between the ontology documentation and the input database. From an engineering perspective, we plan to improve our set of tools that support this methodology. One of the most promising ideas will be to implement an engine able to find the variations between different versions of map** templates, to easily identify which classes and properties are new or have been deprecated in the ontology. From a research perspective, it will also be interesting to analyze and propose solutions for efficient federated query processing over the distributed knowledge graphs of each organization [50], as the centralized approach proposed nowadays may not be sustainable in the near future. Finally, we also plan to enrich the knowledge graph with external research resources such as ORCID or the OpenAIRE research graph [51].

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.C.-F., O.C. and F.Y.; methodology, D.C.-F. and F.Y.; software, D.C.-F.; validation, D.C.-F., O.C., F.Y., R.M., J.O. and A.D.L.A.; investigation, D.C.-F. and O.C.; resources, R.M., J.O. and A.D.L.A.; data curation, F.Y., J.O. and A.D.L.A.; writing—original draft preparation, D.C.-F.; writing—review and editing, O.C.; visualization, D.C.-F.; supervision, R.M. and O.C.; project administration, D.C.-F., O.C. and R.M.; funding acquisition, D.C.-F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was partially funded by Universitas XXI. David Chaves-Fraga is supported by the Spanish Minister of Universities (Ministerio de Universidades) and by the NextGenerationEU funds through the Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellowship.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable. Due to privacy reasons, we cannot provide more information about the research performing organization we use for testing our approach.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
KGKnowledge Graph
RDFResource Description Framework
RMLRDF Map** Language
SHACLShapes Constraint Language
SQLStructured Query Language
ROHHercules Ontology Network


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Figure 1. Overview of the ROH ontology with its main classes [11], adapted from the official ontology documentation. Arrows with a filled tip denote an inheritance relationship, while arrows with a nonfilled tip indicate an object property relationship. Dashed arrows denote temporal and geographical constraints. Each color represents classes that pertain to the same entity. Although this is not a standard notation for ontology diagrams, we have to use this diagram, as was the way the documentation was provided.
Figure 1. Overview of the ROH ontology with its main classes [11], adapted from the official ontology documentation. Arrows with a filled tip denote an inheritance relationship, while arrows with a nonfilled tip indicate an object property relationship. Dashed arrows denote temporal and geographical constraints. Each color represents classes that pertain to the same entity. Although this is not a standard notation for ontology diagrams, we have to use this diagram, as was the way the documentation was provided.
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Figure 2. Excerpt from the ontology documentation for the roh:ResearchResult class and its subclasses, adapted from the official ontology documentation [11].
Figure 2. Excerpt from the ontology documentation for the roh:ResearchResult class and its subclasses, adapted from the official ontology documentation [11].
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Figure 3. Workflow followed for declarative construction of knowledge graphs for research performing organizations.
Figure 3. Workflow followed for declarative construction of knowledge graphs for research performing organizations.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Chaves-Fraga, D.; Corcho, O.; Yedro, F.; Moreno, R.; Olías, J.; De La Azuela, A. Systematic Construction of Knowledge Graphs for Research-Performing Organizations. Information 2022, 13, 562.

AMA Style

Chaves-Fraga D, Corcho O, Yedro F, Moreno R, Olías J, De La Azuela A. Systematic Construction of Knowledge Graphs for Research-Performing Organizations. Information. 2022; 13(12):562.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Chaves-Fraga, David, Oscar Corcho, Francisco Yedro, Roberto Moreno, Juan Olías, and Alejandro De La Azuela. 2022. "Systematic Construction of Knowledge Graphs for Research-Performing Organizations" Information 13, no. 12: 562.

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