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Production and Processing of the Radionuclide 76Br

Karsten Franke
Jann Schöngart
1 and
Alexander Mansel
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Research Site Leipzig, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research, Research Site Leipzig, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Deceased author.
Instruments 2024, 8(1), 22;
Submission received: 20 December 2023 / Revised: 16 February 2024 / Accepted: 27 February 2024 / Published: 13 March 2024


Four-dimensional visualization, i.e., three-dimensional space plus time, of fluid flow and its interactions in geological materials using positron emission tomography (PET) requires suitable radiotracers that exhibit the desired physicochemical interactions. 76Br is a likely candidate as a conservative tracer in these studies. [76Se]CoSe was produced and used as the target material for the production of 76Br via the (p,n) reaction at a Cyclone 18/9 cyclotron. 76Br was separated from the target by thermochromatographic distillation using a semi-automated system, combining a quartz glass apparatus with a synthesis module. 76Br was successfully produced at the cyclotron with a physical yield of 72 MBq/µAh (EOB). The total radiochemical yield of 76Br from the irradiated [76Se]CoSe target (EOS) was 68.6%. A total of 40 MBq–100 MBq n.c.a. 76Br were routinely prepared for PET experiments in 3 mL 20 mM Cl solution. The spatial resolution of a PET scan with 76Br in geological materials was determined to be about 5 mm. The established procedure enables the routine investigation of hydrodynamics by PET techniques in geological materials that strongly sorb commonly used PET tracers such as 18F.

1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation

The 4D visualization (three-dimensional space and time) of fluid flow and its reactions in geological materials via positron emission tomography (PET) is a key tool for a wide range of environmental transport studies [1]. The method has been successfully applied to characterize advective flow in fractures [2,3] and porous media [4,5,6] as well as diffusive flux in clay material [7]. Even comprehensive studies of transport processes in soil and similar surface materials have been conducted utilizing positron emitting tracers [8,9]. Depending on the scope of the study, conservative or reactive tracers are used. Conservative tracers do not interact with the surrounding geological material; they are inert [10,11,12,13,14]. The positron-emitting halide 18F is widely used as conservative tracer in geochemical studies, but the chemical inertness of the tracers depends strongly on the boundary conditions and the studied substrate. 18F, which is commonly used as [18F]KF, cannot be considered a conservative tracer in the presence of strongly sorbing minerals like goethite or kaolinite [15,16,17,18] or in carbonatic materials [19]. While 124I has been previously employed in positron-tomographic transport studies [1], it is not suited for conservative transport studies in all substrates. In complex geomaterials like soils, iodine undergoes redox chemistry altering its mobility [20]. This necessitates the need for an alternative radionuclide such as 76Br as a conservative tracer in geochemical studies. To our knowledge, no studies using 76Br as a PET tracer in geochemical investigations have been conducted.
Recent publications discuss 76Br as a suitable radio tracer for theranostic radiopharamaceuticals [21,22,23].

1.2. 76Br

76Br has a physical half-life of 16.2 h and decays via positron emission (55%) and electron capture (45%) to 76Se (stable) [24]. The decay parameters of 76Br (Table 1) do not indicate 76Br to be an ideal PET tracer. The high β+ energies (max. > 3 MeV, mean 1.18 MeV) limit the spatial resolution to several millimeters. Pair production (γ3–γ6) and γ emission close to 511 keV (γ1) will contribute to unwanted random coincidences.

1.3. Cross Section and Targetry

76Se(p,n)76Br, 76Se(d,2n)76Br, 75As(3He,2n)76Se, and 75As(4He,3n)76Se are examples of cyclotron-based pathways for the production of 76Br [25,26,27,28,29]. Of these, only 76Se(p,n)76Br is a possible reaction within the specification of the cyclotron used (iba Cyclone 18/9). The energy-dependent cross section for the reaction is shown in Figure 1. The maximum of the cross section is obtained at a proton energy of Ep ~ 13 MeV.
The melting point of elemental selenium of 221 °C together with its thermal conductivity of 0.52 Wm−1K−1 [30] does not favor the use of elemental selenium as target material. Alternatively, other substances like [76Se]ZnSe, [76Se]SnSe, [76Se]Cu2Se, [76Se]CuSe, [76Se]NiSe and [76Se]CoSe are discussed as target materials [21,31,32,33,34]. In this work, [76Se]CoSe is used as the target material due to its thermal stability, high Se content and a low amount of unwanted secondary activation products.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Target Material

Elemental cobalt (powder, purity 99.998%, Alfa Aesar, Kandel, Germany) and elemental 76Se (powder, isotopic enriched 99.8 ± 0.1 atom%, STB Isotope Germany GmbH, Hamburg, Germany) were mixed stoichiometrically and heated up to 1200 °C in an evacuated quartz glass ampule and kept at this temperature for 60 min. Afterwards the ampule was cooled down to room temperature immediately. The formed [76Se]CoSe was removed from the ampule and pressed under argon atmosphere at 1075 °C in a cavity (Ø = 12 mm, h = 1 mm) of a niobium disc (Ø = 24 mm, h = 2 mm) (Nb foil, thickness 2 mm, purity 99.8%, Alfa Aesar, Kandel, Germany).

2.2. Target Irradiation

A cyclotron Cyclone 18/9 (IBA, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) was used for the irradiation of the target. The cyclotron provided protons with an energy of 18 MeV and a current of 100 µA and deuterons with an energy of 9 MeV and a current of 40 µA on target. The target was positioned at port 4 at the Compact Solid Target Irradiation System (COSTIS, IBA Nirta target, Belgium). The target was cooled at the front with helium (60 L·min−1) and at the back with water (16 L·min−1). The required proton energy of 13 MeV was achieved by proper selection of the vacuum window (800 µm aluminum). Max. current on the target was 5 µA, irradiation time was from 10 to 25 min.

2.3. Target Processing

Thermochromatographic distillation was used after end of bombardment (EOB) to separate 76Br from the [76Se]CoSe target [21]. Figure 2 shows a scheme of the semi-automatic system used. It combined a quartz glass apparatus with a modular synthesis machine (SCINTOMICS GmbH, Gräfelfing, Germany) controlled by the software Variocontrol (SCINTOMICS GmbH, Gräfelfing, Germany). After EOB, the irradiated target was placed in a tube furnace within a quartz glass tube (RC1) under argon atmosphere at 1055 °C for 10 min. The released 76Br was trapped in a cooling trap (ICE). After heating, the target was immediately cooled down to room temperature. The cooling trap (ICE) was removed and the transfer line was allowed to reach room temperature. A total of 15 mL water (R1) was used to rinse the system and transfer the 76Br into trap T1 containing 5 mL of water. A syringe pump was used to transfer the combined volume of 20 mL containing 76Br to cartridge C1 (Sep-Pak Accell Plus QMA Plus Light Cartridge, Waters) for purification and concentration. The cartridge was rinsed with 3 mL water (R2) and 76Br eluted with 20mM KCl solution (R3). All the released gasses passed through a sodium thiosulfate solution (T2), trap** all remaining 76Br.

2.4. γ-Spectrometry

Two γ-spectrometry systems were used for validation of the radionuclidic purity and quantification. To determine the produced radionuclides after EOB, the target was positioned in front of a high purity germanium detector (GEM-C5060) equipped with a Stirling cooler and DSPEC 500 (AMETEK GmbH, Meerbusch, Germany) at a distance of 575 cm. Quality and process control was carried out using a high purity germanium detector (GEM-20180-P) equipped with a Stirling cooler and DSPEC pro (AMETEK GmbH, Meerbusch, Germany) at 400 cm distance between sample and detector.

2.5. PET/CT

To evaluate the feasibility of 76Br as a radiotracer for positron emission tomography (PET), a phantom was measured. The phantom consists of a PTFE cylinder of 50 mm diameter with 5 drill holes (1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, and 5 mm). The bores were filled with 76Br in 20 mM KCl (as received from radiochemical workup) at an activity concentration of 31.7 MBq/mL.
PET was conducted using an 18-cassette scanner (ClearPET; Elysia-Raytest, Straubenhardt, Germany) with a cylindrical field of view of 135 mm diameter and 109 mm height. The images were reconstructed using the STIR Library [35].
Scatter correction, based on attenuation maps derived from µCT-measurements, was applied using a Monte Carlo algorithm as described by [1]. Mass attenuation coefficients for 511 keV were calculated based on data from the XCOM database [36].
A 22Na-point-source (540 Bq) was mounted on the outside of the sample. The position of this marker could be accurately identified in both in CT and PET. Image coregistration between PET and CT was achieved by using this marker as a fiducial.

3. Results

3.1. Targetry

The production of [76Se]CoSe by mixing elemental cobalt and elemental 76Se stoichiometrically and heating up to 1200 °C in an evacuated quartz glass ampule for 60 min was tested with the natSe compound. We observed silvery shining amorphous deposits sticking to the quartz glass surface up to loose metallic glassy nuggets (Figure 3 and Figure 4). This came along with grayish or reddish remains deposited at the inner surface of the quartz glass ampule indicating the formation of amorphous and polymorphous selenium species. Incomplete chemical reaction and the presence of oxygen are likely reasons. A key factor for improvement was a careful vacuum melting of the quartz glass ampule and thereby retaining the vacuum.
The formed [76Se]CoSe was removed from the ampule and pressed under argon atmosphere at 1075 °C in a cavity (Ø = 12 mm, h = 1 mm) of a niobium disc (Ø = 24 mm, h = 2 mm) (Nb foil, thickness 2 mm, purity 99.8%, Alfa Aesar, Kandel, Germany) (Figure 5). 230 mg [76Se]CoSe would have resulted in a ~ 26 µm homogeneous coating of the Nb cavity, assuming perfect pressing procedure. However, the cavity of the niobium disc was not entirely filled with [76Se]CoSe after hot pressing. A more complete cover of the cavity could be achieved by an increase of [76Se]CoSe starting material or further thorough repetitions of the pressing process. However, this would risk further loss of [76Se]CoSe by splattering out of the cavity during the pressing procedure. We refrained from further optimization of the hot pressing, because the imperfect coverage of the cavity was neglectable for the intended 76Br production.

3.2. Target Irradiation

After irradiation, the target did not show any visible alteration. The weight of the target was controlled before and after irradiation. No weight loss was observable (n = 6). The deposited [76Se]CoSe was firmly fixed on the niobium backing. After irradiation, the target was transferred to γ-spectrometry. Two radionuclides were identified (Figure 6). 76Br was produced with a yield of ~72 MBq/µAh (EOB). Aside 76Br, 93mMo was also identified. 93mMo is formed in the niobium target backing via 93Nb(p,n)93mMo reaction. The spectrum shows the prominent γ-radiation at 263.05 keV (57.4%) and 684.693 keV (99.9%).

3.3. Target Processing

The 76Br was distilled from the target at 1055 °C within 10 min and concentrated at a QMA Plus Light cartridge. Differing from published data [21,23], we used a chloride solution instead of an ammonia solution for the extraction of 76Br. The attempts to extract 76Br with ammonia solution were not successful. The switch to the chloride system also improved compatibility of the final stock solution with the required ionic strength and pH for the planned PET transport studies on geological samples.
Non-radioactive 10 µM Br solution and 250 µM–20 mM Cl solution were used together with ion chromatography (ICS-1600, Dionex GmbH, Idstein, Germany) to determine the minimal required Cl concentration for the quantitative extraction of 76Br. Only the 20 mM Cl solution allowed a quantitative extraction of 76Br. Figure 7 shows the elution of 76Br with 20 mM Cl solution. 76Br was found in samples 3–5 of the collected 1 mL fractions. Less than 0.1% of 76Br remained at the cartridge.
The overall radiochemical yield of 76Br from the irradiated [76Se]CoSe target was about 68.6 ± 5.0% (EOS). Incomplete rinsing of the head of the quartz glass tube (RC1) after dry distillation caused major losses of 76Br, accounting for up to 95% of the total synthesis losses. No 93mMo was present in the final product.

3.4. PET

As shown in Figure 8A, the 76Br activity can be localized via PET in a PTFE sample. The maximum observed activity concentration was 2516 Bq/mL.
Line profiles of PET activity taken across the bore positions (Figure 8B) show Gaussian equivalent FWHM of 6.4 mm (1 mm bore) to 12 mm (4 mm bore). For the bores larger than 1 mm, a local activity minimum can be observed at the position of the actual bore hole, while the peak activities occur in the surrounding material. Due to preparative error, data for the 2 mm-bore were not evaluated.

4. Discussion and Conclusions

The production of n.c.a. 76Br at a small 18 MeV cyclotron has been established. The target preparation via hot pressing resulted in a target disc, withstanding repeated application and showing yields comparable to published data. The target did not show alterations during irradiation; no drop of yield was observed after repeated irradiation of the target. Nevertheless, a more homogeneous distribution of target material in the cavity of the target disc could further improve the stability of the target due to a more homogeneous temperature profile within the target and also entail higher yields (MBq/µAh) in the 76Br production. The integration of a quartz glass apparatus into a modular synthesis module allows the preparation of ~100 MBq n.c.a. 76Br EOS within 3 mL. The process was optimized for extraction with Cl solution. A fixed interval of 2 min was used between the 1 mL extraction steps. Further optimization in respect of the kinetics of the ion exchange within the QMA could contribute to a smaller volume and higher concentration of the final product. The radiochemical yield was 68.6 ± 5.0%. The aforementioned PET experiments on geological samples require 40–100 MBq 76Br, which fits the apparatus used here very well. The limiting factor for production of higher activities is the high amount of manual target handling required. Placement of the target in the quartz glass tube and the positioning in the furnace was done manually by hand. The current system would need optimization in respect of radio protection. Measurements on a PET phantom confirmed the feasibility of 76Br as a PET tracer. In contrast to medical applications, the high density of geomaterials limits the positron free range to reasonable values. As the line profiles in Figure 8B show, annihilation primarily happens in the polymer surrounding the bores rather than in the liquid. The achievable resolution, limited by the positron energy, is about 5 mm (cf. to 1 mm for 18F); however, much smaller features may be detected given sufficient radiotracer activity concentrations.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, K.F., A.M. and J.S.; methodology, K.F., A.M. and J.S.; investigation, K.F., A.M. and J.S.; writing—original draft preparation, K.F. and J.S. K.F. and J.S. have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), grant numbers 03G0900A and 02NUK066A.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.


We thank Paul Ellison for communication and advice.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Experimental cross section σ as function of proton energy Ep for the 76Se(p,n)76Br reaction [25].
Figure 1. Experimental cross section σ as function of proton energy Ep for the 76Se(p,n)76Br reaction [25].
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Figure 2. Scheme of the system used for thermochromatographic distillation (V1–V23: valves, RC1: reactor 1—quartz glass apparatus with tube furnace, ICE: cooling trap, T1: trap 1–5 mL water, SP: syringe pump, C1: QMA-cartridge, Product: product vial, T2: trap (saturated sodium thiosulfate solution), T3: waste, P: vacuum pump, R1, R2, R3: reservoirs, TS: T-connectors, D1–D4: radioactivity detectors).
Figure 2. Scheme of the system used for thermochromatographic distillation (V1–V23: valves, RC1: reactor 1—quartz glass apparatus with tube furnace, ICE: cooling trap, T1: trap 1–5 mL water, SP: syringe pump, C1: QMA-cartridge, Product: product vial, T2: trap (saturated sodium thiosulfate solution), T3: waste, P: vacuum pump, R1, R2, R3: reservoirs, TS: T-connectors, D1–D4: radioactivity detectors).
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Figure 3. Evacuated quartz glass ampules containing CoSe after heating in the furnace at 1200 °C for 60 min. Left: Closed ampule—silvery shining amorphous deposits together with grayish or reddish remains at the inner surface of the quartz glass ampule. Right: opened ampule—porous and brittle CoSe is strongly sticking to the quartz surface.
Figure 3. Evacuated quartz glass ampules containing CoSe after heating in the furnace at 1200 °C for 60 min. Left: Closed ampule—silvery shining amorphous deposits together with grayish or reddish remains at the inner surface of the quartz glass ampule. Right: opened ampule—porous and brittle CoSe is strongly sticking to the quartz surface.
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Figure 4. Evacuated quartz glass ampules containing CoSe after heating in the furnace at 1200 °C for 60 min. Left: Closed ampule—loose metallic glassy nuggets with no remains. Right: CoSe with metallic shine—easily removeable from quartz glass.
Figure 4. Evacuated quartz glass ampules containing CoSe after heating in the furnace at 1200 °C for 60 min. Left: Closed ampule—loose metallic glassy nuggets with no remains. Right: CoSe with metallic shine—easily removeable from quartz glass.
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Figure 5. Left: Niobium disc with [76Se]CoSe nugget on top. Right: Niobium disc with hot-pressed [76Se]CoSe.
Figure 5. Left: Niobium disc with [76Se]CoSe nugget on top. Right: Niobium disc with hot-pressed [76Se]CoSe.
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Figure 6. γ-spectrum section of an irradiated target disc. Identified radio nuclides are 76Br (red) and 93mMo (green) (blue: 511 keV annihilation radiation).
Figure 6. γ-spectrum section of an irradiated target disc. Identified radio nuclides are 76Br (red) and 93mMo (green) (blue: 511 keV annihilation radiation).
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Figure 7. Chromatogram of the elution of 76Br from a QMA cartridge using a 20 mM chloride solution.
Figure 7. Chromatogram of the elution of 76Br from a QMA cartridge using a 20 mM chloride solution.
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Figure 8. (A) Projected activity of the PET-phantom. The outlines of the phantom and its bore holes are outlined in white. (B) Line profiles across the bore holes.
Figure 8. (A) Projected activity of the PET-phantom. The outlines of the phantom and its bore holes are outlined in white. (B) Line profiles across the bore holes.
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Table 1. End-point energies of the main β+ and γ from 76Br decay [24].
Table 1. End-point energies of the main β+ and γ from 76Br decay [24].
Energy [keV]
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MDPI and ACS Style

Franke, K.; Schöngart, J.; Mansel, A. Production and Processing of the Radionuclide 76Br. Instruments 2024, 8, 22.

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Franke K, Schöngart J, Mansel A. Production and Processing of the Radionuclide 76Br. Instruments. 2024; 8(1):22.

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Franke, Karsten, Jann Schöngart, and Alexander Mansel. 2024. "Production and Processing of the Radionuclide 76Br" Instruments 8, no. 1: 22.

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