
Journal Browser

Journal Browser

Clinical Laboratory Medicine

A section of Journal of Clinical Medicine (ISSN 2077-0383).

Section Information

The Journal of Clinical Medicine (ISSN 2077-0383; CODEN: JCMOHK) is an international open access journal published online monthly by MDPI.

The Clinical Laboratory Medicine Section covers the full spectrum of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Laboratory Medicine. The section aims to promote excellence in the Clinical Laboratory Sciences and closely related fields and subspecialties. It welcomes contributions that will have an impact on the understanding of health and disease, and on the progress in basic and applied research in laboratory medicine.

This section will publish papers on all aspects of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, with a focus on the analytical and clinical investigation of laboratory tests in humans, used for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and therapy, and monitoring of disease, with the following formats: Research Articles, Reviews, Mini Reviews and Opinion, Guidelines and Recommendations, Point/Counterpoint Articles, Letters to the Editor, and Editorials.

Subject Areas

The section welcomes submissions regarding:

  • Clinical biochemistry;
  • Clinical molecular biology and genetics;
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring and toxicology analysis;
  • Diagnostic/prognostic biomarkers;
  • Clinical laboratory immunology;
  • Laboratory medicine;
  • Clinical haematology, hemostasis and coagulation;
  • Clinical vascular biology and thrombosis;
  • Translational clinical chemistry;
  • Reference methods, reference intervals and clinical decision limits;
  • Quality and safety in laboratory medicine;
  • Disease-specific biomarkers;
  • New diagnostic tools and technologies;
  • Basic laboratory medicine research leading to mechanistic discoveries.

Editorial Board

Topical Advisory Panel

Papers Published

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